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Erica's Pov

I picked up the intimidating big book. The title said, 'Blackmailing'. I sat down on a table and started flipping though the book. I read the table of contents first. 

One caught my eye 'What type of people usually get blackmailed- 180- 190'. I opened page 180 and started to read. People who have more money, or a certain thing others want. Someone easy to pick on.

If my dad was getting blackmailed, it all made sense. Why he wanted to move so suddenly, and so far. Why whenever I looked at him I could tell he was not telling me everything. Why he is always moping around and much less cheerful.

I could not believe I never saw this before! I just turned a blind eye because something inside of me wanted my stepdad to be the bad guy. Maybe because I felt like he took my real dad's place. Maybe it was because when he came my whole life changed. There were so many reasons! But now I wondered, did I have enough time to stop the blackmailing.

There was only one way to know for sure if I was right- and that was to ask him.

Ben's Pov

After an okay day of school I headed back home. I decided to text Erica, hoping her day had been better.


Ben: Hey

Erica: cant talk think i know why my dads moving call later

Ben: Ummm... okay?

I lay on my bed wondering what could she have possibly found.

Erica's Pov

I took a deep breath and knocked on the large white door.

"Come in," Dylan said

I walked in and sat on a chair near the door.

"Oh, Erica. How was your first day of school?" My stepdad said looking surprised to see me.

"I'm going to get to the point. You're getting blackmailed aren't you? That's why your moving." I said laying it out quickly before I decided to reconsider my choices.

My dad laughed in a weird nervous sort of way

"W- well you see- I.." He stuttered

"Tell me who it is please so I can beat up their stupid face." I said leaning closer to him

"N-no I can't Erica. There was a reason I did not tell you this."

"Ya, I know the reason is you are getting blackmailed. I already got that down. But who? And what do they have againsed you? A video? Or a-"

"Erica! Stop it."

"Fine. If you won't tell me I'll find out myself."

I stood up and started to walk out the door.

"I was afraid of this," I heard Dylan mutter.

Then he grabbed my wrist.

"Come here let me show you something."

Maybe he was going to tell me. I obediently followed him, his hand still griping my tightly on my wrist.

"May I see your phone?" He asked

"Um... sure here," I said and took out my light blue phone from my back pocket.

"Do you have any other electronics? An iPad maybe?"

"No dad. Why?" I said getting suspicious.

"No reason," He said and lightly pushed me inside my room.

Then he locked my door form the outside. I heard him lock it with another lock from who knows where.

"What are you doing?" I said ponding on the door. "Let me out!"

"Erica. They are dangerous people. They could hurt you very bad. I can't let you go after them."

"So what you'll just lock me in here until we leave?"

"Yes. But we are leaving on Wednesday now."

Wednesday was in two days.

"Erica, I am doing this to protect you. Who knows what they would do to you. I love you you know. More then anything. Everything you hate me for I have done to protect you. Remember when I told you, you can't go to that late night party last month that all your friends would be at and you wouldn't speak to me for a week? That was because there have been people kidnapping kids there. Do you know how I never let you quit karate and all of those fighting sports? Because I need you to know how to protect yourself. It's a dangers world. I don't want you to end up like me."

He paused

"Your school. I never let you go to Eastwood High because the blackmailers son is going there as well and I don't want you near them. And the biggest thing; us moving. That's because I need to get you and your mother away from this cursed city."

Then very quietly he said, " Also because they are blackmailing me and want to take my job."

"With what?! I demanded. "What do they have againsed you?"

"A- a dumb photoshopped picture and fake witnesses that will go viral if they put it out there and will destroy our family." He said getting softer with each word.

"But dad! You can't do this! You have to let me out. Please. I can help!" 

I listened closely and then realized he had already gone. I was trapped. 

I leaned on my door and before I could stop myself tears started pooling in my eyes. I had been so mean to him. How could I? I was a horrible daughter. I slid down the wall until I reached the ground. I buried my head in my arms and cried. 

Crying won't help anything. But it won't hurt anything then either.

Spy School AU Love Trouble 💔Where stories live. Discover now