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Ben's Pov

I checked through the peephole on the door. When I saw who it was I froze. The person rang the doorbell again.

"Who is it?" Erica whispered

"Dylan," I said

She froze.

Dylan rang the door once more. Zoe opened it slowly.

"Hello Zoe. Do you know where Erica is?" He said, panicked

"Umm... no I am not sure." She replied, nervously

Dylan starting pacing. "I already tried Ben's house. Where else could she be?" He said

Then he took out his phone and typed something. Before he pressed the fourth button I ran out of my hiding spot.

"Wait! Don't," I told him

"Why? No one knows where she is. She might be lost!" Dylan said

I grabbed his phone from him. The numbers 9-1-1 were typed in the 'Call' section of his phone.

"Don't call 911. Erica's safe," I said 

"Where is she?" Dylan said his eyes wide

I hesitated

"Ben..." Dylan warned

"I am right here," Erica said softly stepping outside so Dylan could see her

"Erica! I told you not to leave your-" He stopped remembering before when I came to him and he told me Erica was not at home.

"It's fine, Erica already told us everything," I said

"Did you go...there?" He said uncertainly

"The blackmailer's house? Ya, we did!" Mike said walking over to me

Dylan froze, dumbfounded

"Y-you went to his house? How did you find him? What did he d-" Dylan said quickly

"We are fine, dad. Okay? Also, we are not leaving." Erica interrupted Dylan

"You know I want to stay but we can't!" Dylan said exasperated

Zoe laughed, "How about I fill you in," She said, opened the door wider so he could come in.

"I'll distract him for a little. You guys can start working on blackmailing him. I will meet up with you guys in a few minutes." She whispered to me and then led Dylan to another room.

Erica's Pov

Mike, Ben, and I headed to the park where we figured out our plan. 

"Okay, so what should we start with?" I asked Ben and Mike

Mike shrugged

"Wait where are we going to met him?" Ben said

"Why don't we go to his house?" I suggested

"Sure," Mike said

"Ya that works," Ben said, "But what if he changed the password for the garage?"

"He probably did not. But if we did we can always just ring his doorbell then," I said

"Okay," Ben said

Mike took out five USBs. 

"These each have the video on it. So now we have extra copies," He said handing us each one

I slipped it into my pocket.

"So once we met him again, we show him the video and convince him to not blackmail my step-father or anyone else, right?"

"That sounds good," Mike said

I quickly texted Zoe that we were ready.


Erica: were ready

Zoe: ok

Zoe: Your dad is back at your house

Erica: um okay thx

Zoe: where r u

Erica: the park

Zoe: im coming

So we had our plan. We were going to go back to his house. Confront him about Dylan. Then using the video we took from his computer, blackmail him, so he leaves Dylan and any other people that he blackmailed alone. 

Sounds pretty easy right?

Well, it turned out to be the opposite, because he came looking for us first.

Zoe's Pov

I told Dylan everything that happened from when Ben found Erica trapped in her room, until when we broke into Justin's house. He just listened the whole time and made small remarks.

Then I walked him to Erica's house. I don't even think he realized where he was going. I kept talking about what we were doing for the last few days, and he kept listening, not worrying about anything else.

I opened the door for him and he walked inside. Just then a text message popped up from Erica. She told me she was ready. I ran to the park and just as I came I got a message from Mike. It had one word.


As I neared the park I saw a man hovering over what looked to be Erica, Ben, and Mike. 

I hoped that they had the plan ready to go because it was happening sooner than expected.

I hoped you liked this chapter! If you haven't read the message board yet, this week is my birthday week, so I will probably not be posting another chapter for the next seven days. Maybe on the weekend or something but I am not sure. Have a great day!


Spy School AU Love Trouble 💔Where stories live. Discover now