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Mike's Pov

As I lazily got ready for school, I thought of Zoe. She was nice, enough. Convenient. Outgoing. But she got on my nerves sometimes. Last year she embarrassed me so much that I get mad if anyone brings it up. Since then Ben and I always disliked her. 

I ran to the bus as the bus driver told me to never be late again and blah blah blah, and I quickly mumbled an apology. I sat beside Ben and we drove to school.

I saw that Erica was in my class. So was Ben. He saved me a spot but then I saw there was an open seat next to Erica. I pretend not to notice Ben and sat there. I immediately felt bad. But he had to understand, right?

"Hey, Erica what's up?"

She seemed as though she would like to ignore me but then thought twice. I hoped it was because she liked me. I quickly tried to remember this morning. I was 99.999% sure I had put on deodorant.

"Hi Mike," she finally replied.

I tried to make small talk and it sort of worked. I was sad when class ended. The only weird thing was the whole time I was talking to her, she was taking notes. I worried it was because of me.

Oh, wait. We were in a science class. She was probably taking notes on that. Ben walked out the door and I saw he was taking a lot of notes too as his folder was stuffed with them. What did we even learn? I thought hard and came to the conclusion it was something sciency. As I walked out the door to follow Ben I read a poster on the door. It said:

Welcome to Grade 9 Math Class!

Ugh, we were in math, all that thinking for nothing!

I hurried to Ben and he turned away from me. I caught his eyes and saw hurt. 

"Ben, look I am sorry, it was just Erica-"

"I know, I know! You like her because she is hot and popular and now you are going to ditch me for her and-"

"Hey Ben, stop! You know that's not what I would do."

Ben stormed off anyway

The second day of school. We're already fighting. Like, come on!

Ben's Pov

He ditched me. He went for the popular girl. Why can't he tell I liked her too?! I went to the cafeteria and had a lonely lunch sitting alone. I saw Mike sit with Erica and turned away eating my tasteless lunch.

The next day came and this same time at lunch I went over to him. As if we were thinking of the same thing he walked over to me. We met in the middle.



"I won't do that again."

"Ok, thanks."

"Want to eat together?"

I knew that there was no way for me to get Erica. Mike would. So what's the use of holding off the inevitable?

"How about we sit with Erica?"

Mike smiled and walked over right away.

He then turned around quickly.

"Are you sure? We can just eat together if you want."

"No, it's all good"

We walked over together and I felt a little sad as I saw Erica was now actually talking to Mike and staying for the whole lunch and not leaving halfway.

Well like I said, no use holding off the inevitable.

Next chapter Mike and Ben will meet Zoe. Stay tuned. Please vote and comment! Thanks everyone! 

- Spy Society 

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