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Ben's Pov

Where the heck was Erica?! I have been texting her for hours. I finally decided to just bike to her house. 

I arrived after a few minutes and knocked on the door.

"Hi, Ben," Dylan said answering the door

He looked exhausted and slightly sad.

"I was just wondering if Erica was around," I said politely

"Um... no sorry haven't seen her. I thought she was at your house." He said acting a little strange

"No, she is not. If you see her will you tell me?" I replied 

"Yes, yes of course." He told me and then way too quickly closed the door. This guy was acting very suspicious.

I biked in the direction of my house and then when I was out of sight and could not see Erica's house anymore, I stopped my bike. I left it under a tree and doubled back. I was careful to stay away from any windows.

I ran into the backyard and found Erica's window. I could only see her neatly made bed. Maybe Dylan was telling the truth.

But being me I had to know for sure. I went into their shed in the backyard, where their ladder was kept. Erica's room was not too high up so I could easily reach it with the ladder.

I lent the ladder against the house and carefully climbed up.

I lightly tapped the door, knowing if Erica were in there, she would have heard me. She had amazing hearing abilities. After a few seconds, Erica's face peeked out the window. Her cheeks were blotchy with tears. 

She gave a smile of relief when she saw me.

"Ben!" She cried softly

I opened the window and climbed down the ladder. She placed her foot on the first bar and started climbed down. Then we put the ladder back in the shed. I grabbed Erica's hand and we ran to the tree where I had left my bike. 

"Um Ben we won't both fit on that," Erica said looking at me

"Well we won't know until we try," I said hopping on.

She sighed and then sat behind me. She was practically sitting on top of me as we drove to my house quickly.

I reached my house out of breath and saw Mike and Zoe waiting at my door.

Erica's Pov

Ben was able to get me out of my room. I was so happy he came. He insisted we both went on the same bike. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight as he drove off. I leaned my head onto his back until we reached his house. Mike and Zoe were waiting for us on the doorstep.

"Oh, there you guys are!" Zoe said happily

"Um hi?" Ben said clearly surprised they were here.

"You texted us that Erica knew why she was leaving and so we had to come and check it out," Mike explained

I suddenly felt self-conscious as Ben took my hand and walked over to Zoe and Mike. I probably looked like a mess. I patted down my hair and looked at the ground.

Zoe looked at me and then mouthed, 'You look fine'

I smiled. It was like she could read minds.

"So," Mike started, "What's the deal with you guys riding on the same bike. Is this like a new couple trend or something?" He laughed

Ben shook his head. 

"Erica care to tell the story?" He asked me lightly

I nodded and started from the beginning, when I first knocked on my dad's door.

Mike's Pov

"Wait you're leaving on Wednesday?!" I said, "There is no way we are letting that happen."

"I know but come on guys get real we only have two more days. It's almost inevitable." Erica told us sadly

"Don't say that," Zoe said firmly

"Okay so then what are you guys going to do then?" Erica asked 

"Let's go inside," I said walking into Ben's house. His house was basically mine since we are at each other's so much. 

I walked to the dining room and lay a paper on that table.

"First we have to make the plan," I said

Ben took out a marker and started to write. After a few minutes, we had a basic plan.

1. Find out the blackmailer

2. Delete the picture from all devices

3. Do all the above in two days

"Wait. Guys," Ben suddenly

"Mhm," I said looking up 

"If the photo is photoshopped then can't they just make another one? And what about these 'fake witnesses'?" He said

"Ya," Zoe said, "Wait's this about the photoshopped picture? I'm a little lost."

"I think the picture is about my stepdad, maybe kissing- or something worse with another girl and the girl will be a witness along with some other people and if they post it to the world no one would believe Dylan over everyone else," Erica said.

"Wait where'd you get all that from," I said confused

"My dad let some of it slip when I was locked in my room," Erica said plainly

"So how will we stop them then?" Ben asked. "They could easily make another one."

"Well," Erica said looking at all of us, "There's an old saying that says fight fire, with fire,"

Ben and Zoe's face lit up.

"Oh, I get it you want us to do the same thing there are doing to Dylan."

I was still confused though.

"That's dumb," I said, "Why won't you just fight fire with water. Much easier."

Zoe laughed. 

"Your right, but that's not what that saying is trying to tell us." She explained to me. "It means if they are blackmailing us. We do the same to them."

Spy School AU Love Trouble 💔Where stories live. Discover now