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Ben's Pov

I read the list we had come up with.

1. Find out the blackmailer

2. Find where he lives

3. Delete the photoshopped picture from all devices  

4. Find blackmail material

5. Make sure he leaves Erica's family alone

6. Do all the above in two days or less

I finished reading it then added another thing we should do before starting.

1. Convince Dylan that Erica is still in her room.

"Oh ya, that's a good one," Mike complimented me

"Thanks," I said

"But how should we do that?" Zoe asked me

"I have an idea," Erica said. 

She grabbed my iPad and then led us into my bedroom and told us her plan.

"We will record me saying something every so often so he knows that I am still here, and then leave the iPad near the door or something."

"Okay," Zoe said, "But what if he wants to give you food or water?"

"Oh!" Mike exclaimed, "I know! Erica can write a letter and slip it under the door saying to leave her alone for an until they leave."

"Ya, that could work," I said

So we started to get ready. We all left my room leaving Erica alone with the iPad. She waited a minute and let out a very small realistic-sounding sob. Then some noise as if she was packing clothes, her rolling over in a bed, and a few other things. 

Mostly all he would hear was nothing inside her room, but every hour some type of noise was made.

"Perfect!" Zoe said happily

Then we started with the note. We got a lined sheet of paper, which Erica informed us she had the same one in her room. After a minute she showed us what she had written.

Dear Dylan,

I would like to tell you please leave me alone until we leave. I already have water, and I don't want any food. The least you could do is listen to my request. Only talk to me if we have to leave. Other than that leave me alone. Thanks.


"Okay, Hopefully, that's realistic enough," I said nodding

Erica's Pov

The plan was that only Ben and I would go to put the iPad and note in my house. This time thankfully we took two bikes. 

Ben was to stay out of sight in my backyard and make sure I return safely. I was the one going into my room and leaving the items. 

I climbed up the ladder carefully while Ben was at the bottom holding it so that I won't fall.

My heart beating loudly I put the iPad close to the door and slipped the note under the door. Then I climbed back down as quickly as possible.

Ben and I ran back to our bikes and rode back to Ben's house, where we started to complete our next step, find out the blackmailer.

Zoe's Pov

"Okay, so what do we know about the blackmailer?" I asked

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