Chapter 24

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Lexa's POV-1 month later

"I can't believe you are really taking her away from me....again" Rachel said in a slightly cocky tone as she glared over my shoulder at Austin. I couldn't help but laugh at her especially since she was the one who practically pushed me into his arms that night at the club after his concert in Pittsburgh and now here she was complaining that he was taking me away from her again.

"Rach, I don't really think that is a fair statement" I laughed pulling myself out of her embrace, my hand resting on my now very prominent baby bump on my petite frame.

"How is that not a fair statement?" she asked loudly, her hands out to the side. She was really getting upset about this and it kind of knocked me for a loop. I don't know why she was getting upset about this, it made me feel like me getting on a plane with my fiancé to go to Ireland for two weeks was something wrong, something that I shouldn't be doing. I felt a well of emotions building up behind my eyes shaking my head as I turned on my heel and walked towards the room that Austin and I would be sharing for the rest of our life.

"Lexa baby," I heard Austin say as I walked passed him quickly, tears building up more and more in my eyes as I desperately tried to hold them back until I was in the quiet solace of our room to let them fall freely from their jail. I knew he was following me, I could hear his footsteps echoing through the hall behind me as I turned into the bedroom leaving the door open knowing that he would walk right in behind me begging me to know what was wrong.

I fell on the bed, curling into a ball on my right side as I started to break down into a fit of tears. I felt the bed dip behind me as Austin crawled up from the bottom pulling me in close to him, his fingers gently moving the hair out of my face and behind my ear, his lips placing a soft wet kiss on my cheek before he laid down next to me. He rested his hand on our baby as he let me cry for what felt like hours, every single emotion leaving my body. When I finally started to settle down and come back to my senses I felt him roll over on his back as he got off the bed and started walking towards the bathroom.

I pulled myself into a sitting position sitting cross legged on the bed, wiping the palms of my hands over my swollen red eyes when I saw him coming back with a damp cloth in his hand. He sat next to me and gently started wiping the tears a way from my face, the warm feeling of the cloth relaxing me as a smile started forming on my face. I turned my head to look at him, my hand cupping his cheek as I leaned in and placed a kiss softly on his lips pulling away from him slowly. This was the Austin that I had fallen in love with, and ever since the scare we had in Phoenix he was doing everything he could to prove to me that this was the Austin he was going to be.

"Lex, are you okay?" he asked grabbing my hand, his eyes staring into mine with an intense concern burning behind them.

"Yeah I'm okay baby" I smiled at him as I grabbed all of my hair in my hand and piled it high on the top of my head.

"Can I ask what happened?" he asked pulling me into him so I was laying into his chest, his arms wrapping around me and resting on our  baby, his thumbs rubbing against my stomach gently. I stalled a moment in answering him, wanting to relish in this moment forever never wanting it to end until the baby was born when we would start to make more beautiful memories of our own.

I let out a deep breath as I rested my head against his shoulder, the side of his cheek resting against the top of my head. I closed my eyes as I started to explain to him everything that was going on in my very overly emotional pregnancy brain. "I don't know Rachel just made me feel like the whole trip we were taking was so wrong, like I shouldn't be happy that we were going to be going away just us and a few security guards to spend some much needed time together. She was the one who pretty much got us together and I don't know why she is complaining that you are taking me away when you are my life now" I said to him, starting to feel tears well up in my body again.

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