Chapter 22

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Lexa's POV

"I'm so glad that I am getting out of here today. I can't wait to take a real shower and sleep in a nice bed" I laughed as I sat on the small couch in my private room eating my lunch before they came to get me ready to leave.

"I have all of that waiting for you at home Lex" Austin said as he sat next to me, his attention focused on the TV, but a small smile spreading across his face.

"I can't wait to start my life in the mansion in the mountains owned by the one and only the Great Post Malone" I joked taking a sip of my Coke.

He sarcastically rolled his head over to look at me as he rolled his eyes.

"Ha. Ha. Ha" he said as he grabbed my hand in his bringing it up and placing his lips softly on my skin.

"No but really, everyone says Utah is amazing and that the neighborhood that your house is in is so nice and welcoming. I won't lie I am honestly a little excited baby" I laughed as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Utah is amazing Lex, everyone is so nice and so welcoming. I feel like I can be me there and there is no pressure for me to be Posty. And the neighborhood is really nice. It's a great place to raise our little girl in" he said squeezing my hand gently.

"Little girl huh?" I smirked as I laid my hand on my stomach gently.

"Yup, I just have this feeling" he said as his hand accompanied mine as he leaned in for a soft kiss.

"Okay Lexa, we just have to do a quick ultrasound and make sure that your baby is doing fine before we feel one hundred percent confident in letting you walk out of here today, okay?" the nurse asked as she rolled in the ultrasound machine tearing us apart from our moment.

"Absolutely" I said as I slowly got off of the couch with Austin's help as I headed over towards the bed.

I don't know if it was because I hadn't eaten much or the medicine that they had me on, but I felt more weak and dizzy then ever. I was hoping it was something that was going to go away soon.

Austin helped me into the bed as he sat next to me, the nurse pulling up my shirt and placing the cold jelly on my tummy before rubbing the wand in it to disperse it around.

"Okay, so here he/she is" the nurse said with a smile as she looked over at both Austin and myself. Smiles spread across our faces as he leaned his head in next to mine as we watched in awe. She smiled as she looked at us and pushed some buttons on the machine before I heard our babies heartbeat for the first time.

My hand came up to my mouth as tears immediately filled my eyes as I heard the steady thump of our baby's heartbeat. I grabbed onto Austin's hand and squeezed tightly as he placed a kiss on my cheek, a single tear sliding from his eye landing softly on my cheek.

"Your first baby?" the nurse asked happily as she let us continue to hear the beautiful sound of our baby.

"Yes" Austin said with a smile.

"Then this moment is extra special for you. The baby is doing great and that is a strong heartbeat. Whatever was in your system does not seem to have harmed your little one in any way" she said with a smile as she turned off the machine and gave me a warm towel to wipe off my belly.

"Can Lexa go back to doing normal things?" Austin asked as he grabbed the towel I was handing him so I could push myself up off of the bed easily.

"The doctor recommends that she takes it easy for the next week or so. No heavy lifting, no strenuous activities, pretty much lay around and relax. Drink plenty of fluids, eat if you're hungry and sleep plenty. You are exhausted from the baby and I'm sure you are even more exhausted with the medicine they gave you, so relax and let your fiancé take care of you" she smiled.

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