Chapter 21

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"What?" I asked confused.

"Stephanie called me" he said again in the same flat somewhat disappointed tone he had the first time.

"Fuck" I said, putting my head against the mattress.

"Austin, what is going on? The last time I talked to you, you were madly in love with Lexa. You guys were getting married, she's having a baby. Everything seemed to be going good for you, so tell me" he said to me.

"Fuck. I was being a fucking idiot okay? I wanted to test her to make sure that she loved me and wanted to be with me. I knew Steph was coming to a concert so I invited her backstage and started flirting with her" I said staring at the ceiling.

"Austin," my Dad said, disappointment weighing heavy in his voice.

"She thought I was being serious and started texting me that she couldn't wait to get back together. I told her no, I was with Lex and she didn't take it too well" I said looking down at Lex sleeping peacefully.

"Well Austin, she called me apologizing to me about how she treated you and she's so sorry about her actions and that she's going to treat you better this time. She said she hopes that myself and Jodie can forgive her for breaking your heart" my Dad said looking up at me.

"Shit, how do I fucking get out of this? Lexa and the baby were already put at risk because of me. I didn't want any of this to happen. Why am I so stupid" I said putting my hands over my face.

"Austin, your not stupid, I just think you get confused or nervous when it comes to girls in a relationship. But what I can tell you from what I heard from Dani is this girl loves you Austin, and she can't wait to spend her life with you" my Dad said.

"I know Dad and I love her too and can't wait to start our life together" I said, grabbing her hand in mine.

"Then take the time you have off with her to show her that Austin. I'm going to go. If you need anything, I'm in the hotel down the road" he said as he walked over to Lexa.

"Get better sweetheart, stay strong for my son and my grand-baby" he said before placing a kiss on her head.

I felt a smile pull across my face at my Dad's words to her. He and Jodie were just as excited as me to have a baby in our lives, but it took his words to realize that I didn't just jeopardize Lexa and I, but I also could've selfishly been taking away the one thing my Dad and Jodie have been waiting for forever.

I sat quietly for several minutes, my head resting against hers as I rubbed her arm slowly thinking about how I wanted nothing more than to show her exactly what she meant to me.
"Excuse me, Austin" I heard someone say as my eyes slowly opened to a brightly lit room.

"Would you mind? We have to draw some blood and get her vitals" the nurse smiled at me sweetly.

"Oh yeah of course. I'm sorry" I said as I got out of the bed and sat on the couch so the nurse had plenty of room to do what she needed to do.

"Lexa? Lexa?" I heard the nurse say as she slowly shook her awake.

"Yeah?" I heard her faint voice float throw the room, immediately I was wishing I was the one she woke up to.

"Hi, I'm Christy. I'm going to be your night nurse. I just need to grab some vitals and take some blood okay?" she asked her.

"Where's Austin?" she asked, completely disregarding the question from Christy.

"I'm right here Lex" I said as I got up and walked over towards her.

"Hold my hand?" she asked looking up at me with the cutest pleading eyes I have ever seen.

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