Chapter 18

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Lexa's POV

We walked out of his dressing room hand in hand as we made our way back to the green room. The party was in full swing, the room filled with Tyla's friends and Swae's friends and a few people that Austin's team invited back.

"Austin, I think I'm going to head back to the bus, I'm getting kind of tired" I said quietly to him.

"Did I wear you out gorgeous?" he smiled down at me.

"In your dreams baby" I smirked up at him.

"Okay, can we just let Dani and Smitty know and then we can go?" he asked as we stopped outside the doors to the room.

"Aus baby you don't have to come, it's okay" I smiled wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his chest.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to" he said quietly, wrapping his arm around me and putting a kiss on my head.

"Are you sure?" I asked him pulling away slightly and raising my eyebrows.

"Positive" he smiled grabbing my hand as we walked in the room.

My eyes quickly met Dani's as she flashed me a smile, happiness washing over her face. She bounced over to us and wrapped her arms around the both of us.

"Guys finally, the way you two walked in here was the old Austin and Lexa I know" she said laughing.

"Yeah, I guess it just took someone else around my girl to let me know that I was being a fucking idiot" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Was the makeup sex better than fucking ever?" she asked beaming, completely ignoring Austin's comment.

"And.... I'm going to find Smitty" Austin said, his face red as he bent down and placed a tender kiss on my lips.

"Well... was it?" she asked again only to be interrupted by Swae's friend Greta.

"Hey girl! I saw that you weren't feeling well. An ice cold Ginger Ale always helps me feel better. It's gotta be Schweppes though" she said handing me a can smiling.

"Thanks that's so nice of you" I said taking a sip of the already opened can.

"Well that's strange. I wonder what got up her ass. She's gotta be one of Swae's rudest friends. But anyway...the answer to my question girly" she said nudging my shoulder with hers.

"Yes Dani, it was so amazing. Sex is always great with him, but this was so amazing" I smiled feeling my face turning red as I took another sip.

"Aww I'm so glad you guys are good" she said bringing me in for a hug.

"Me too, I couldn't keep pretending that I didn't want to be all over him every time I saw him" I laughed.

"Sometimes he needs a wake up call Lex. He isn't perfect, but he tries so hard to make everyone happy. Sometimes it's just the wrong people he focuses on" she said to me.

"Yeah, there is just one question I have to ask him because it's been weighing on my mind since our conversation. But of course Austin fucked me senseless so I lost all thoughts in my head when we were done" I laughed.

"What's that?" she asked.

"He started acting weird when he found out I was pregnant. I know he is ready for this baby Dani, I saw what you and Rachel picked out for the room and it's beautiful. But I don't think he knows how to handle it right now" I said looking over at him as he was trying to walk away from Smitty and an overly chatty Adam.

"Don't hold it in. It'll eat at you. Ask him. And your welcome. Rach and I had a blast picking out baby stuff with no budget involved. But you go lay down, you look tired" she said pulling me back in for a hug.

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