Chapter 20

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Austin's POV

"What do you mean me!?" Dre said loudly stepping into me. I should've known that I wasn't going to intimidate him, he's known me for too long for that to happen, but I wasn't backing down. 

I grabbed him by his arm and drug him outside into the hallway. There was no way that I was having this fight in the room with Lexa there. That was the last thing I needed was for her to wake up and to see me and Dre fighting. 

"Who do you fucking think you are to come in here and tell me I have lost my fucking mind Dre!? Do you not see who the fuck is laying there hooked up to tubes and wires!?" I asked raising my voice to him. 

"Posty, to be honest I don't give a fucking shit who the fuck is laying there" he said to me in a monotone, uncaring voice. 

"Are you fucking serious Dre!?" I said feeling my anger start to boil inside of me. 

"You want to cancel your fucking tour for a girl Posty! A fucking girl!" he yelled. 

"She isn't just some fucking girl Dre! She's going to be my wife and the mother of my child, I need to be here with her!" I said backing him into the corner. 

He looked nervous for a second before he crossed his arms in front of him and gave me a wicked smirk before continuing with his side of the argument. 

"How funny you care to be here for her now Posty when just a few days ago you were ready to fuck Stephanie right on the table" he smirked. 

"Shut up Dre, shut the fuck up right now. You don't know the whole fucking story" I said clenching my fist and running my other hand through my hair. 

"What, does the truth hurt Posty? You can say what you want but you know its true. I kind of wish she succeeded, at least with Steph you had fun. Lexa sucks every ounce of fun from your system" he said seething at me. 

"What the fuck do you know, huh Dre!? What were you fucking in on it too!?" I said putting my hand on his chest and pushing him up against the wall. 

"Posty what the fuck man" he said wrapping his arm around mine to break himself from my grip. 

"You fucking helped them didn't you! You never fucking liked her either!" I said curling my hand into a fist. 

"What the fuck are you talking about bro?" he said trying to push me off of him.

"Post man, calm down" I heard Smitty say as he and Jay came and grabbed me off of Dre. 

"Fuck you Dre! I thought we were fucking friends!" I yelled as Smitty started to pull me down the hall. 

"You'll come to your senses bro! I ain't canceling shit" he laughed as Jay walked him into Lexa's room. 

"Then Yaweh can headline the tour because I won't fucking be there!" I yelled as Smitty pulled me into the elevator. 

I turned around and angrily punched a hole into the wall without even thinking. Nothing mattered to me now besides Lexa and being here with her. I needed to make sure that she and our baby were safe and that everything was going to be okay. 

"Posty man, come on get it together" Smitty said. 

"Get it fucking together really Smitty? Its obvious none of you fucking like Lexa, but she is one of the best things to have ever happened to me and it's because of fucking all of you I almost fucking lost her for good!" I said to him loudly. 

"Really Post, really!? Fucking get your facts straight bro! Just because your fucking pissed off at him don't take your shit out on me!" he said before storming off the elevator. 

I've Been Waiting For This / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now