Chapter 10

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Austin's POV

I picked her up and swiftly carried her down the hallway. Watching her reach her euphoric high was the sexiest thing I had ever seen and I intended to see it several more times tonight.

I put her down on the floor in the room. I stopped kissing her momentarily to see there were rose petals on the bed in the shape of a heart with the larger blue Tiffany box tied with the white bow sitting in the middle.

Nicely done Smitty, nicely done.

I pushed her up against the wall grabbing her dress and pulling it off of her letting it fall into a heap on the floor as I passionately connected our lips again.

She pulled away breathing heavy as her eyes met mine, her lips red and swollen. I ran my hands down her body, stopping at her waist.

"Austin, I need you" she said softly as her fingers started unbuckling my belt and unbuttoning my pants.

She grabbed my shirt and pulled it free, her lips playfully connecting with mine as she slowly unbuttoned every button as I helped her slide it off of my arms. She wasted no time as she tore off my undershirt. She rested her forehead on mine, her fingertips running softly down my chest. She moved her lips to my neck leaving a trail of small bites down to my collarbone.

Her hands traveled down further grabbing my hardened length palming me slowly. I let my hands travel further down until I connected with her heat again.

"God Lexa, your ready for me already" I said, my eyes feeling as if they were rolling back in my head at the pleasure she was making me feel.

I roughly grabbed her hand off of my member as I pulled her into the large bathroom. There were candles lit on every counter and a plethora around the bathtub. I left the lights off as I pulled my pants and my boxers down, my hardened length springing free.

She dropped down to her knees and started to deep throat my dick, my hands pulling roughly at her hair as she easily took my entire length several times. My head fell back at the intense pleasure that was coursing through my body from her pillow soft lips being wrapped around my dick.

"Fuck Lexa oh my God" I managed to get out.

I couldn't take it anymore, my cum was going to be dripping down her throat if I didn't pull her off of me soon. I pulled her gently by the hair to have her stand up in front of me as I walked her to the large bathtub filled with warm water and bubbles. I got in and quickly pulled her on top of me. She wasted no time as she grabbed my dick and slid her tight pussy down my entire length.

She started moving on me, as I connected my lips to her hardened tits. She threw her head back, her hands resting on my shoulders as she continued. My lips left her tits as I started kissing up her neck, stopping just below her collar bone where I started sucking gently leaving my mark.

I felt my dick start to get painfully hard as she kept up her steady rhythm on me and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Lexa baby look at me" I breathed heavily my hands moving down to her hips.

She brought her head back down, her eyes filled with an intensity that I have grown to love. She went to lean in to kiss me but I stopped her.

"Austin please" she said begging for me to be a part of her in every way.

"Not this time baby" I swallowed hard as I felt my orgasm creeping through my body.

She started riding me faster and harder, our eyes never breaking contact as I felt her walls start to clench on my dick, letting me know she was close to her end.

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