Chapter 17

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Austin's POV

I finished up the show with Congratulations before heading down the stairs to work the pit. I had thought deeply about what Lex had told me about my fans. Recently I had been treating them like they were beneath me when in reality, they were the ones who had got me here. I paid extra attention to spending time with them tonight, knowing that Lex and her friend Lucas were out here somewhere.

I walked down the pit stopping to sign autographs and take pictures with almost every fan I met along the way when I finally spotted my girl standing with Lucas and Dani. I finished up with the fans that I was with as I made my way over towards them.

"Posty, hey can we have a picture?" I heard Lex's voice ring out through the crowd.

"Of course baby" I said as I pulled her in to me and placed a kiss on her temple, granting shocked looks from the fans around me, but I didn't care.

I couldn't help but notice a small smile pull across her face at my actions as the three of them piled together, Lex handing me her phone as I snapped a picture smiling ear to ear mostly because she was tucked up into my side and only for that moment things looked and felt like they were okay.

"Lucas right?" I said as he handed me his backstage pass holder that I quickly signed my name too.

"Yeah man. It's so nice to meet you. It was an awesome show man!" he said loudly.

"Kevin, can you let these guys out please, they can follow me back through pit" I said turning towards him as I started to make my way across the front.

"Sure thing Austin" he said opening a portion of the gate so Dani, Lex and her friend could come though.

"Hey, if you don't mind we are just going to head back. I need to sit down for a bit, I'm feeling kind of dizzy" Lex said to me resting her delicate hand on my forearm as she walked slowly by me.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked nervously as I grabbed something from a fan and signed it without even looking, my full attention on her.

"Yes we're fine, everything with the baby and I are okay. Thanks for caring Post" she said sadly as she flashed me a hesitant smile.

Just when she gives me hope that things are going to turn around quick for us, she brings it right back in again and lets me know that she still means business. I let out a sigh as I watched her walk away, Lucas placing his hand on the small of her back as he helped her walk back to the green room.

"It's fine Austin, just breathe. She couldn't stop talking about you to Lucas. She still loves you, just relax" Dani said quietly to me as I watched them round the corner.

"Thanks Dani" I smiled at her as she rubbed my arm reassuringly before heading off towards them.

Lexa's POV

"Okay, are you sure that you are okay? You are looking really pale" Lucas said as we made it back into the green room.

"Lex! Hey you feeling okay?" Smitty asked as he ran over to me joining his arm with Lucas' as we walked over towards the couch.

"I think so, I'm just really dizzy and I feel like I'm sweating buckets" I said sitting down and closing my eyes.

"Dani, grab Lex some water quick" Smitty yelled as Dani made her way through the doors.

"Shit, girl are you okay? You don't look as good as you did before" she said unscrewing the cap and handing me the bottle of water.

"I can't sit here like this, Austin is going to see me and freak out. I don't want him worried about me" I said taking a swig of my water and trying to stand up.

I've Been Waiting For This / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now