Chapter 23

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Lexa's POV

"Rachel, did you do all of this?" I asked, Austin with his arm around me tightly as we walked in through his front door.

"I did. I figured that you would want a better meal then the ones that you have been eating in the hospital" she said with a smile.

"So you mean to tell me that I've been living with you for four years, and not once did you mention to me that you could cook" I said shaking my head as Austin helped me sink down into the kitchen chair.

"You never asked" she laughed as she sat down at the table across from me.

"Whatever Rachel whatever" I said shaking my head with a smile as I dug into the chicken parm she made us for dinner.

"Okay, shit this is actually really good" Austin said through a mouthful of chicken.

"Better than Olive Garden" I chuckled as I looked over at him.

"Woah, hold your tongue missy. Nothing is better than the Olive Garden" he said holding his index finger up at me.

"You know Austin, when you go back on tour Lex will be in good hands" Rachel said as she took a sip of her wine.

"I forgot to tell you guys. I canceled the rest of the tour" Austin said before taking another bite of his pasta.

"Oh, so your going to be home?" Rachel said sadly.

I knew she was dying to have our girl time. We haven't seen each other since the last time I went home, but the only person I really wanted to be with was Austin. It's not that I was trying to shut her out, believe me that was the last thing I wanted to do, but I was finally going to get Austin all to myself and I didn't want anyone or anything to come between that.

"I am. I just want to be here for Lex and finally get to enjoy the one on one time the both of us so desperately need" he said as his hand drifted over to my thigh rubbing it gently.

"Y'all had one on one time in the back of your fucking subaru only twenty minutes ago" Rachel said returning to her normal self.

"I just want to let her know the insatiable hunger I have for her" he smiled, his fingers brushing against my heat through my jeans.

I grabbed his hand and took in a sharp breath before exhaling briefly.

"Austin" I laughed looking over at him with a smirk on my face.

"Sorry baby, I'll behave myself" he smiled as he went back to eating his food.

"So Austin, I've been dying to know something and now you are just the man to answer my question" Brad laughed taking a sip of his Bud Light.

"Go for it" Austin laughed taking several long chugs of his can.

"Is pregnant sex really as amazing as they say?" Brad asked his eyes flashing between me and Rachel.

"I'm not one to kiss and tell Brad, maybe you should use your time here to get Rachel pregnant and you can find out" he laughed lacing my fingers in his.

"What do you think Rach. A couple kinky sex adventures a day and badda bing badda boom you have a baby in the womb" he said elbowing her playfully.

"Not yet Brad, your going to need to step back from that dream for at least another year" she laughed.

"Damn, well I guess I'll just have to judge on the moans from Austin's room to quench my appetite for knowledge" he laughed.

Austin chuckled as he shook his head and put his Bud Light to his lips, his arm resting gently on my shoulders as I laid my face in my hands, feeling my face ten shades of red at his comment. He was right though, as long as Austin was in between my legs there was no way I could keep my moans in check.

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