Chapter 13

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Lexa's POV

I was woken up to soft kisses being placed along the soft curve of my neck and cold hands rubbing the inside of my thigh. I let out a soft moan at his touch as I rolled over onto my back, grabbing his hand and moving it towards my throbbing heat.

I heard him laugh quietly as he obliged to my needs, his fingers running slowly through my dripping wet folds.

"I love how wet you are Lexa, always ready for me baby girl" he said lowly into my ear, his breath tickling my neck.

I felt my orgasm start to build instantly at his words, his lips drifting down to the soft curves of my breasts, his fingers slowly rubbing circles onto my sensitive nub of nerves.

He brought his mouth onto my hardened tit and started sucking slowly, his teeth barely grazing it before pulling away giving my other side equal amount of attention before bringing his lips down the center of my body.

His actions were so slow and so sensual that my senses were running wild, his name beginning to flow from my lips.

He moved his fingers from my clit and replaced them with his soft lips and tongue, flicking it ever so gently over my nub before running it between my dripping wet folds. I arched my back at the feeling my fingers tangled into his curls a string of moans escaping from my mouth.

"You like that baby girl?" he asked slowly running his tongue from my wet hole to my throbbing clit.

"Yes Austin, fuck yes" I moaned thrusting my hips up towards his mouth.

A smirk spread across his face as he slid two of his tattooed fingers easily into my hot center, his thumb pushing on my clit as he trailed kisses back up towards my lips.

"I'm not going to stop until your screaming my name baby girl. I don't care how many orgasms you have to have" he growled into my ear before roughly melting his lips with mine.

His fingers started pounding into my hole meeting my g-spot each time. I clenched my eyes closed at the euphoric sensation that was coursing through my body, but I needed more of him.

"Fuck Austin please I need to feel you inside of me" I whined, my head throwing back into the pillow.

"You want this dick baby?" he asked softly into my ear.

"Yes please" I begged.

He rolled me onto my side, my ass pushing into his rock hard cock before bringing my leg over his waist as he slid his tip easily into my wet heat.

"God fucking damn Lex, your so fucking tight" he growled, his fingers digging into the sides of my thigh as he began thrusting into me.

I let out a loud moan as I felt his thick cock stretch me deliciously, my hole dripping around him at the sensation at this new angle. Our eyes met and the rush of emotion that ran through me was unbearable. I clenched my eyes closed again before opening them back up, my gaze focusing on his rock hard thick cock moving beautifully in and out of me.

Something about watching it happen was so sexy that I started to lose myself, he must've noticed as he changed his position to be on top of me. He laced his fingers with mine gently pulling my arms over my head, his lips melting with mine as he began thrusting in me harder. I wrapped my legs around his waist allowing him for easier access to my g-spot, my senses become wary.

"Fuck Austin" I said loudly.

"Are you going to cum baby girl?" he asked continuing his assault on my throbbing center, my orgasm building up momentum as it started racing through me.

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