Chapter 25

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Lexa's POV

"So why the change of mood all of a sudden?" I asked Rachel as she started rifling through my drawers pulling out every single piece of lingerie that she could find. I raised my eyebrows at her thinking if she honestly thought this was going to fit me right now. Sure Austin clearly thought that I was sexy, that was proved after our antics just a few minutes ago, but there was no way that I was going to flaunt my body around in those while we were in Ireland.

"Let's just say, Brad talked me off the ledge" she smirked grabbing the pile of lingerie off the floor and carrying it over to Austin and I's bed, currently still in the state of being heavily used. I felt my face get red as she plopped everything down, her hand resting softly on top of the silky fabric as she looked at me with her head tilted. "You guys just boom boomed didn't you!?"

"I... no, we were just laying here... talking" I said moving her hand off of the pile of clothes as I aimlessly started looking through them. Rachel was too good though.

"Lexa Rose Murphy! You cannot lie to me! I knew you were both in too good of a mood when you came back. Fuck, you guys are fucking like rabbits! Is it that good when your pregnant!?" she asked ignoring the pile of silky red, black and pink material laying on the bed between us as she sat down, a look of pure curiosity on her face.

I felt my face flush red. Rachel and I were close, probably the closest I have been with anyone, but we never really talk about intimate moments. I let out a sigh as I looked at her with a smile across my face. "To be honest its amazing. I thought it was going to be uncomfortable but it's the best thing I have ever felt. It's like all of my senses are heightened ten fold and just the feeling of him brushing against me turns me on and he probably wouldn't even have to go all the way inside for me to have an insanely amazing orgasm. And when we are done, I instantly want more. Waiting those five or ten minutes until he is ready to go again is excruciating. I can't keep myself off of him, I'm kissing him everywhere and straddling him and shit trying to hurry him up so we can go again" I laughed shaking my head as my hands covered my face.

"Like how often are you guys doing it?" she laughed scooting herself further up the bed as she sat Indian style looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders as I thought about it. There definitely wasn't a day that went by that we weren't in bed with each other... several times a day. "I don't know about three times a day sometimes more" I laughed looking at her. Her jaw was dropped and her eyes were wide.

"Fuck Brad would be in heaven!" she laughed loudly.

"Yeah, Austin was for a while. But I think I'm honestly wearing him out" I said getting up as I started to walk towards the bathroom. "Hold that thought I have to pee" I laughed closing the door behind me. I walked back out to see Rachel sorting my lingerie into piles on the bed, I shook my head as I walked back over to her.

"You know, I do need regular clothes for this trip to Rach. We already made the baby I don't think I need to take this many" I laughed as I saw the 10 piles of lingerie laying out on the bed. "Plus, do you really think I'm going to look sexy in this thing" I said holding up a strappy bodysuit.

She looked at me and laughed as she grabbed it from my hand throwing it back into the pile on the bed "yeah maybe we won't put that one in your bag" she said shaking her head back and forth with a smile on her face. "Lexa" she said not looking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked looking over at her skeptically.

"Are you still going to keep in touch with me after your married and you have your baby?" she asked me sadly. I felt my heart start to break as I saw the sadness taking over her body. She was really worried that our friendship was just going to disappear, that I was going to forget about her like she was yesterday's newspaper.

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