Chapter 26

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It felt like I spent the majority of our flight in the rather spacious bathroom for an airplane, my insides continuously rebelling against me, Austin right by my side. He had offered me my nausea pills only to have me turn them down several times, wanting to feel like I could manage the entire flight without them. After a few hours spent running back and forth to the place that I called home for the flight, Austin finally had enough as he brought me two of the small pills and a bottle of water insisting that I take them so I could maybe get some sleep before the plane landed. I didn't object this time as I grabbed the two pills out of his hand, downing them with some water as I rested my back up against the brown wall, my head in my hands as I still felt like I was spinning.

"Baby, come on why don't we go sit back down" he said, his hands going under my arms as he slowly lifted me up, his hand resting on my lower back as he slowly walked us back to our seats. "You should be feeling better soon baby" he said as I slipped into the window seat, immediately curling into his side, his arm draping around me as he rubbed my back slowly planting small kisses on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry Austin, I thought I was going to be able to do it without them" I said, taking in a few deep breaths as I tried to calm the queasy feeling in my stomach, hoping that the pills would kick in soon so I wouldn't have to make another trip to the bathroom.

"It's okay baby, don't apologize" he laughed. "Why don't you get some sleep? We still have about six hours left" he said quietly.

"What a way for us to start our trip huh?" I laughed, my head tilting up so I could look at him. A sweet smile appeared on his plump lips as he pressed them softly against my own.

"No worries baby, we won't be flying for another two weeks when we get there. Now get some sleep" he said with a laugh as I rested my head on his chest, sleep slowly coming to me as I drifted off to my gorgeous dreamland.


"Baby girl" Austin whispered softly into my ear, his fingertips running slowly over my arm, his lips moving over my forehead as I fluttered my eyes open groggily looking around as I regained my bearings. "Morning sleepy head, or should I say good afternoon" he chuckled.

"Are we there yet?" I asked, my arms stretching over my head, Austin's arms wrapping around me as he pulled me onto his lap, his face nuzzling into my neck as he peppered it with small kisses causing me to break out into small bouts of giggles.

"Mmmm my favorite sound¨ he said sweetly pulling away as he placed his lips on mine gently. I smiled as he pulled away.

"I feel like we haven't had moments like that in a while" I said, our eyes dancing with each others. I felt a string pull in my heart as a look of guilt came across his face, his head falling back and resting against the headrest as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Your right Lex and I am so sorry. I was horrible to you on tour and you deserve to be treated so much better than that. I didn't treat you like my girlfriend I treated you like the girl that was just conveniently with me so I wouldn't drag home some random girl every night" he said. I looked into his eyes, my head moving gently back and forth.

"Austin, no" I started but he stopped me rubbing my arms gently as he tilted his head to the side.

"I just want you to know Lex, that you weren't ever a game. I needed to have you, I needed to get to know you. Everything was and has been real. I don't know why I turned into a first class douche but it wasn't right and it took what happened to you to make me realize that" he said grabbing my hand as he fiddled with the diamond ring on my finger.

"This wasn't a joke either Lex, it was the happiest day of my life when I asked you to marry me and yet I still fucked up multiple times after that even knowing that you were pregnant with our princess" he said, his head shaking back and forth slowly.

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