Chapter 16

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Authors Note: Guys I'm so sorry I havent updated this story in 2 weeks. Tbh I got a complete writers block for this story and felt like I was in perpetual slow motion to a never ending story that was getting stale, so I focused more energy on my I'm No Good at Goodbyes story. However, I think I have finally figured out where I want this one to head and hopefully I can get us there without a 2 week pause in between each chapter.
Lexa's POV

I felt myself slipping further and further down the rabbit hole as I was starting to lose hold of myself, letting him slowly drag me into a beautiful sea of passion and forgiveness. His hands left the side of my face and slowly started wandering down my sides as he deepened the kiss even further.

He pulled his lips away from mine, slowly starting to trail kisses down the side of my neck, biting on my sensitive spots along the way.

I was just about to let out a low moan of acceptance and tangle my fingers in his hair allowing him to carry me out with the waves of ecstasy when my memory came flooding back to me. Yes, I wanted what was happening right now to continue more than anything, but I wasn't going to give in that easy.

"Austin, I'm sorry" I said pulling myself away from him.

He let out a sigh as he brought his bottom lip in between his teeth biting down lightly as his eyes met with mine, his hands grabbing mine rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. The sadness that was exuding him was almost enough for me to throw everything out the window, but I had to be strong.

"Austin when we are alone or with Dani and Smitty, you are the man that I love. You are so kind hearted, a free spirit, happy, sweet, funny. But, as soon as you put on those earrings and necklaces or hook up to your ear pieces and microphone you become someone completely different. It's like you have all of this pressure to live up to an image that Dre and the team have made for you and you morph into this alcoholic player who has any girl at his disposal and act as such." I said noticing his eyes diverting from mine.

"Hell you even act like time with fans is beneath you anymore and they used to be everything to you, but now every picture you take with them looks like a chore. All you want is to portray this amazing life with amazing friends doing amazing things with tons of girls and alcohol around you and I never make the cut. That's not the person I fell in love with and it sure as hell isn't the Father of my child. So 'Posty' when Austin comes back, tell him I'm waiting, but I won't be waiting forever." I said quietly.

I put a quick kiss on his cheek and gave his hands a tight squeeze before climbing over him and walking out of the bedroom leaving him speechless on the bed, his head laid back against the wall and his hands over his face.

I quickly walked off the bus and lightly jogged over to the arena, pushing the doors open and following the music to the green room. I scanned the room looking for Dani when I spotted her sitting next to a girl on the couch, chatting happily. I quickly composed myself as I headed over.

"Hey girl, did Austin find you?" Dani asked looking at me quizzically.

"Uh yeah, we uh we talked for a bit. He said he wanted to just chill and play some video games before green room" I said talking quickly with my hands, a sure sign I was nervous.

"Hi, I'm Angelica! It's so nice to meet you Lexa! I've seen pictures of you and Austin all over his instagram account, you two are so cute! And I hear you guys are expecting! He was so excited telling me about it, wasn't he Dani?" she asked her excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah he was" she said smiling weakly.

"So, how far along are you?" she asked reaching out and putting her hand on my arm.

I've Been Waiting For This / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now