Chapter 15

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Austin's POV

I woke up with a blanket thrown on top of me laying on the couch out in the tiny living area of the bus. The last thing I remembered was finishing up a cigarette hoping to snuggle with my girl only to be slapped in the face with her not wanting to sleep next to me.

I did have an amazing dream though of Lexa kissing me, telling me she forgives me but she has to be strong and make me fight for her, and also her saying she loves me. At least I thought it was a dream, maybe she was really talking to me, that would explain the blanket.

I sat up and was just about to flip on the TV when I heard sounds like someone was sick in the bathroom. I instantly knew who it was and hurriedly got myself up taking the few steps to the bathroom.

I opened the door and bent next to her grabbing her hair in my hand and rubbing her back. I was going to make a joke about the morning sex but knew last nights scars were too fresh.

"You okay Lex?" I asked quietly.

She nodded her head as more of her stomach came out of her. I didn't dare move, she needed me to be there to let her know I cared.

After what felt like an eternity she finally stopped. She sat back and I grabbed her a cup of water. She looked so worn and pale, I remember the doctor saying it only gets worse until the second trimester.

"Thanks for staying with me" she said flatly.

"Lexa, I'm yours that's what I'm here for is to be here for you no matter what"

She chuckled and raised her eyebrows and sarcastically nodded her head.

"Lexa?" I asked her.

"Huh" she said.

"I'm still yours, right?" I asked her, my heart pounding.

She held up her left hand to show me the engagement ring and I felt my heart instantly lighten and my breathing becoming more steady.

"Doesn't mean that we are picking up like normal though. Things won't be normal again until I know I'm not your behind the scenes girl Austin, and if you can't prove that to me then no, I won't be yours any longer" she said getting up and walking by me, not even giving me a chance to answer.

I looked around the corner to see her walk back to our tiny room closing the door gently behind her. Fuck, this was going to be tough. I walked back over and sat on the couch lighting a cigarette as Smitty and Dani came out.

"Hey guys" I said quietly.

"Bro your a dick sometimes man" Smitty said literally hitting me upside the head.

"Dani told you huh" I said.

"Yeah and that was a dick fucking move. I don't know why you think you even have to do that Posty. She's head over heels for you. She isn't like the other girls you dated. She tries to show you everyday she loves you and she feels like you don't even notice. Maybe she's right bro. Open your god damn eyes already" he said.

I looked back when I heard the door open and click closed to see her walking towards us, her hair hanging loose, a pair of black jeans, white vans and a white zip hoodie that was zipped dangerously low. She looked fucking gorgeous.

"Ready guys?" she asked pulling her black Ray Bans out of her purse.

"You betcha" Dani said hopping up.

"Where are you all headed?" I asked feeling a pang in my chest knowing I should be going with my girl and my friends.

"For food, the baby is craving waffles" Lex said not making eye contact.

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