Chapter 4

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I slipped into one of Austin's shirts completely naked underneath and followed him out of his bedroom as we made our way to the kitchen to grab our food.

I sat down at one of the stools at the island watching him take the remaining items out of the bag. He turned and grabbed some silverware out of the drawer pushing a fork and my salad towards me.

"Is water okay? I don't have anything in the fridge since I'm technically not supposed to be home for another week" he said grabbing two glasses out of the cabinet.

"Yeah baby, that's fine" I said.

He filled them and walked around the island sitting next to me setting down the water before tearing into his western burger. I looked down at my salad as I moved my fork carelessly through the lettuce. Austin stopped eating and looked over at me.

"Baby girl, please try to eat" he said a pleading look in his eyes as he rubbed my back.

"I just don't want to be sick" I said giving him a puppy dog pout.

"Whether you get sick or not doesn't matter, you need to eat" he said picking up my fork and stabbing a forkful of salad.

"Your seriously not thinking about feeding me are you?" I laughed my eyebrows raised.

"Open up" he laughed tickling my sides.

"Okay okay okay" I laughed as I squirmed out of his reach and opened my mouth.

He placed the fork in my mouth as I bit the salad off, his eyes not leaving me until he knew I swallowed everything that he put on the fork.

"That's my girl" he smiled as he leaned in and put a kiss on my lips before returning to his burger.

I ate a few more forkfuls before I felt my stomach start to rebel. I pushed the salad away from me and put my elbows on the table resting my head in my hands.

"You okay baby girl?" he asked rubbing my back.

I nodded. I was going to overcome this I don't care how, but I couldn't be sick every single day. I took a couple deep breaths before sitting back in my chair looking over at him.

"I don't think I can eat anymore if I tried without it coming up all over your counter" I laughed looking at him.

He finished up the last bite of his burger, closing the lid on the carry out box, pushing it across the counter. He took a long sip of his water, wiped his mouth with his napkin finally turning his attention to me.

"You done now?" I asked playfully raising my eyebrows.

"What can I say, someone gave me an insatiable hunger after her performance upstairs" he said smugly.

I felt my face turn bright red, my head tilting towards the ground not able to look at him right now. My new sudden urge to try to be the dominant one in the bedroom was something that I was still not to comfortable with.

He got up and stood in front of me tilting my head up with his index finger, his eyes connecting with mine. He pushed my hair behind my ear and grabbed my hands pulling me to stand in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned his forehead down to mine.

"I don't ever want you to be embarrassed about anything you do whether it's in or out of the bedroom baby girl. I love everything you do. You can be completely comfortable around me" he said putting a quick kiss on my lips.

"That's such a good thing to know! So now when your watching me give birth it won't be as embarrassing as I'm imagining" I laughed.

He responded with a chuckle as he started walking me towards the leather couch in his living room facing his huge flat screen TV. He laid back on it and I crawled in between his legs, my back resting against his chest, my head comfortably laying just below his neck. He snaked his one arm around me, his other hand working the remote.

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