Chapter 8

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Lexa's POV

I felt a kiss on the top of my head and a pair of arms wrap around me tightly. I quickly realized it was Austin as I snuggled into his body closer not wanting to wake up, afraid all of the amazing things that happened would all flutter away.

"Baby girl, wake up you need to see this" he said lowly.

I fluttered my eyes open as I saw him looking down at me a small smile on his lips.

"Look baby girl," he said pointing off the balcony. I turned my head slightly, it still resting on his chest as I saw the most breath taking sunrise I had ever seen in my life.

"Oh my God, Austin that is so beautiful! I don't think I have ever seen anything more beautiful" I said, my eyes now wide with amazement

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"Oh my God, Austin that is so beautiful! I don't think I have ever seen anything more beautiful" I said, my eyes now wide with amazement.

"I have" he said, his hand leaving mine and resting on the side of my face gently moving it to face him.

"You, Lexa Rose Murphy, are more beautiful than a million sunrises" he said, his thumb rubbing my cheek sweetly.

My eyes danced with his as I absorbed the sweet words falling off his lips, my hand coming up and wrapping around his neck playing with the curls on the nape of his neck.

"I love you Austin," I said quietly, still staring into his eyes.

"I love you to Lexa, I never thought I could love anyone the way I love you baby girl. You've made me realize what it means to love and be loved in return. You've made me a better man" he said sweetly.

I felt tears starting to form in my eyes as he leaned down and put his soft pink lips on my own. The passion that filled this kiss I couldn't explain, but I didn't want it to stop. I wrapped my arms around his neck and re-positioned myself  so I was straddling his lap. We deepened the kiss, our tongues beautifully dancing with each others. He pulled away and started kissing down my neck sucking just slightly, I let out a moan at the amazing feeling running through my body. He kissed back up my neck meeting my lips again.

I pulled away from him, his lips slightly open and pouted as I ran my hands over his shoulders and down the front of his chest. I looked him in the eyes licking my lips quickly.

"I want you Austin" I said quietly.

"Right here baby girl?" he asked a smile pulling at his face.

"Yes, right here" I said hiking up his shirt that I was wearing and grabbing his hardened member from his boxers.

I pushed myself up slightly, positioning myself to take all of him. I teased him a little as I slid down him, taking just the tip of his member inside my tight heat moving up and down quickly. He threw his head back as he let out a low groan, his hands grabbing at my slightly exposed ass.

"Mmm don't tease me angel" he smirked bringing his head back up, his eyes hooded with pleasure.

I smirked as I slid slowly down his whole length, I paused as I sat firmly on him as I leaned in, the tip of my tongue running along his bottom lip before I sucked it in between my teeth, meshing my lips with his. I moved myself up and back down on him quickly as he pulled away biting his lip, his hands moving to my hips as I started moving faster on his rock hard dick.

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