Chapter 3

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.Lexa's POV

We arrived at Dr. Barton's office. He was one of the best OB/GYN's in Salt Lake City. He parked the car and grabbed my hand placing it in between both of his.

"Are you nervous rock star?" I asked him with a chuckle.

"More than you know" he said with a smile.

"Everything is going to be great baby, there is no need to be nervous" I said with a smile.

I leaned in placing a kiss on his lips briefly before pulling away and opening the door helping myself out. He came over to me and grabbed my hand lacing his fingers with mine as we headed into the doctors office.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The nurse asked kindly looking between Austin and myself.

"We are here for an appointment with Dr. Barton" he said nervously.

"And the name?" she asked typing a few things out on the computer.

"Lexa Murphy" he said.

"Okay, you two can have a seat right there and the Doctor will be with you momentarily."

We walked over and sat down and I looked over at Austin. His head was leaning in his hand, his eyes closed as if he were deep in thought and his leg was shaking like crazy.

"Baby, relax. This is an exciting day" I said rubbing his hand with my thumb.

"Lexa" the nurse called.

I stood up, pulling Austin with me who now seemed to have 20lb weights attached to each leg as we walked to the back. We were ushered to a room where the nurse told us the doctor would be with us shortly.

"Lex I'm so nervous" Austin said grabbing my hand.

"Why baby?" I asked concerned.

"Well tour life isn't necessarily the best lifestyle to live. We drank pretty heavily some nights, we both smoked quite a lot,we had se-"

A knock on the door broke him from his concerns as the doctor entered the room.

"Hi! I'm Doctor Barton and you must be Lexa" he said shaking my hand firmly.

"It's so nice to meet you" I said warmly.

"And who do we have with us today?" he asked looking over at Austin, his eyes traveling him up and down.

"This is our peanuts Daddy, Austin" I said my hand still holding his as I looked over at him smiling sweetly.

"Nice to meet you" he said.

"You as well sir" he said shaking his hand.

The Doctor went through and asked us all the routine questions about our health and our family history of health problems etc. I was glad to know that both he and I were pretty healthy and that our families didn't have huge health issues either.

"Okay, so do you guys have any questions?" the doctor asked.

"Lexa has been traveling with me a lot for work and we have had some nights where the both of us drank quite heavily. At this point does that have any affect on our baby?"

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