Chapter 12

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"So what else could possibly be in store for me for tonight?" I asked as we walked through the door to our suite.

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in close placing a kiss on my forehead before pulling away, looking down at me.

"There's a beautiful hot tub overlooking the strip on the balcony. I just planned on sitting in there looking at the lights, cuddling close and hopefully making the sunrise" he said with a smile.

"But baby, you have a show tomorrow" I said concern laced in my voice.

"I'll be fine baby girl, I'm always tired remember" he laughed as we walked towards the bedroom.

The room was just as we left it, the rose petals in a heart on the bed, our towels from the bathtub laying carelessly on the floor, the box that my infinity bracelet came in thrown on the bed but something else was there that wasn't before. A plain black bikini.

"Austin, where did this come from?" I asked pointing to the bathing suit and laughing wondering how on earth this man can sneak all of this stuff in here without me knowing.

"I left the key with Lee and he put it in here" he laughed his face turning red.

"You are like a miracle worker" I laughed grabbing the bathing suit. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Go get changed baby girl, I'll meet you right here" he said giving my ass a quick smack as I headed into the bathroom to get changed.

I slipped out of my clothes and wiggled into the bathing suit he bought me. It fit perfectly. I shook my head and laughed deciding it was better that I didn't know how he did the things that he did. I grabbed an elastic that was sitting on the sink and piled my hair on top of my head, grabbed two towels from the rack and walked out to him.

"Baby girl, you never cease to amaze me. You just keep looking more and more beautiful every time I see you" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and beautifully connected his lips with mine.

"Thank you Austin. You are going to spoil me with all these gifts and these compliments" I laughed holding on to his forearms as I looked up at him.

"You deserve them Lex, come on let's go" he said grabbing my hand as we walked back out toward the living area for access to the hot tub.

I walked over to the glass railing that was separating us from the city below and stared at the beautiful lights. I couldn't believe how much my life has changed since I met him just a few months ago. I never would have been here if I didn't agree to travel on tour with him, and now I am having his baby and we are going to get married. Things had happened so fast that sometimes I even can't believe that they are real.

"Penny for your thoughts" I heard him say as he walked over closer to me, resting his hands on either side of me placing me between himself and the railing.

"You have changed my life so much Austin, I would have none of this without meeting you" I said placing my head back against his chest.

He placed a kiss on the top of my head as I continued.

"I was just a regular girl, finishing up school, working a mediocre job at a night club in the city wondering where the hell I was going to go after the only life I knew since my parents died came to a close. Then you came into my life and swooped me up and whisked me into your amazing, yet kinda hectic, life" I laughed.

"Are you happy with the choice you made Lex?" he asked me in his low raspy voice.

"Yes baby, of course I am happy with the choice I have made. I mean look what you've given me. I never would be standing here looking over the Vegas Strip if I didn't meet you. I wouldn't be engaged to the most amazing man I have ever been with if I didn't meet you" I said turning around to face him.

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