Chapter 2

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We boarded the private jet and I immediately rushed back to the tiny bathroom. Austin had been successful in getting me to eat, but my stomach was protesting as it was making its way right back up.

"It's okay baby, we'll talk to the doctor to see if there is anything that they can give you for the nausea" he said rubbing my back.

I got up and cleaned myself up before falling into his arms sobbing.

"Baby girl, why are you crying?" he asked with a small laugh rubbing my back.

"Because I feel like such a burden"

"Your not a burden baby girl, not at all" he said placing kisses into my hair.

"Your just going to end up hating me and wanting to leave me" I sobbed.

I heard him take in a breath before slowly letting it out.

"I could never hate you and I'm not going to leave you Lexa I'm going to be right here. I told you your my priority now more than ever" he said quietly.

I pulled away from him wiping my eyes.

"I'm such a hot mess" I laughed.

"But your my beautiful hot mess. Come on let's go sit down so we can get going" he said as he grabbed my handed leading me out of the bathroom.

He helped me into the window seat and sat down next to me. He pushed the arm rest up and snaked his arm around me pulling me in close.

"You look tired baby girl" he said quietly putting a kiss on my head.

"I'm exhausted" I chuckled looking up at him.

"Get some sleep baby, I'll wake you up when we get there" he said rubbing his fingertips on my arm.

"I love you Austin. You are an amazing boyfriend and you'll be an amazing Daddy" I said quietly as I drifted off to sleep.

Austin's POV

I felt her become relaxed in my arms as her breathing slowed. I placed a kiss on the top of her head and leaned my head back on the seat.

I pulled my phone out and tapped Smitty's contact information. He was the only person I could think of talking to right now.

"So, I'm guessing you heard our news?"

"I did bro. Definitely not what you were expecting, huh? How do you feel?" he answered almost immediately.

"To be honest I didn't know what to say at first and I think she took that as bad news. But, I'm excited man. I always wanted kids"

"So your excited, really? You've only been together a month and a half?"

"Shit, yeah. I couldn't imagine having a kid with anyone but her. She'll be an amazing mother. She's so patient and caring. Every trait a mother should have. And that doesn't matter Smitty. I love her"

"I'm happy for you man. But can we talk about the reality?"

"What's the reality besides I'm going to be a Dad with an amazing woman"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that your a multiplatinum recording artist touring the country and your only 24. In man years that still classifies you as young, dumb and full of cum"

I laughed at his text despite myself. Leave it to Smitty to be brutally honest with amazing word choices.

"Yeah, there is that. But I think I can work around all of that. I'll make changes if I need too"

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