Chapter 7

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Austin's POV

We landed in Vegas around 2am. I know it was crazy, but I wanted to enjoy my day off without any traveling so getting here early seemed like the right thing to do.

"Baby girl, wake up" I said gently shaking her awake.

She groggily came to as she stretched her arms over her head and let out a yawn. She looked so groggy and I instantly felt bad for waking her up. I could've just scooped her up and carried her off the plane. She looked up at me with a cute, innocent look in her eyes.

"Carry me?" she asked putting up her arms.

"You read my mind baby girl" I laughed as I scooped her out of the seat. She placed a sweet kiss on my lips as her thanks as she wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck.

"You want us to grab those?" Dani asked laughing.

I nodded my head with a smile on my face as I took myself and Lexa to the stairs leading off the plane. Thankfully the car to pick us up was close, the driver opened the door and I awkwardly slid in with her on my lap.

"You doing okay baby girl?" I asked quietly, placing a kiss on her temple.

"Yeah baby, just sleepy" I said quietly.

"We'll be to the hotel soon" I said rubbing her back waiting for Smitty and Dani to hop in the car so we could be on our way.

"I don't know if I like this new Lexa, she's always tired" Smitty laughed sliding in behind us.

"Shut the fuck up Smitty" I heard her chuckle sleepily.

I laughed with her, loving the new feisty side that was showing in her both in and out of the bedroom.

"Where are we even staying?" Smitty asked wrapping his arm around Dani who looked like she was ready to fall asleep herself.

"The Palms Casino Resort, I got us the Empathy Suite" I said looking over at Smitty with a smirk on my face.

"Your fucking out of your mind bro. I wish money wasn't a problem for me" he laughed.

"It was only for one night so why the fuck not. I've spent more money on my watches" I laughed placing a kiss on the top of Lexa's head, who was sleeping again.

The car slowed as he pulled up to the entrance to the Palms. Dani and Smitty got out first and grabbed the bags while I tried to coax Lex awake.

"Lex, baby girl I'm going to need you to walk while I check us in" I whispered into her ear rubbing her back.

She let out a groan as she picked up her head and looked at me with a cute pout.

"Fine, I guess I can walk" she smiled.

She hopped out of the car and waited for me, grabbing my hand as soon as I stepped out of the car. I gave her hand a squeeze as she laid her head on my arm as we walked up to the reception desk.

"Good morning, welcome to the Palms Casino Resort. Checking in?" the receptionist asked politely.

"Yes ma'am. Austin Post" I said.

"Okay Mr. Post, it looks like they have you in the Empathy Suite. You all look pretty tired, so is paying upon checkout okay for you?" she asked.

"That's wonderful, thank you" I said grabbing the keys from her and handing one to Smitty. We all walked toward the elevators and climbed in quietly riding it to the top floor. The doors opened and we piled out heading down to the suite. I put the key into the door and pushed it open.

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