Chapter 14

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Austin's POV

I couldn't help but start to cry as I saw her. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I have an amazing girl who gave up her entire life to be with me, she's going to be the Mother of my child and I would give her the world.

We just had an amazing fucking 2 days together and I even asked her to marry me. I'm ready to be with her I mean fuck I'm going to be 25 in a few short months, I really need to stop acting like this.

Seeing her fall apart on the ground thinking that she wasn't enough for me broke my heart, but I can't blame her. After what she saw and what she read in that note, fuck I wouldn't have even stuck around and yet here she is. This was strike two for me and if I didn't fucking change, her and our baby would be out of my life forever and I don't think I can bare to have her leave me again.

"Lexa baby" I said as I crouched next to her reaching out to push her hair behind her ears.

"Don't fucking touch me. If I'm not good enough for you all the time I'm sure as hell not good enough for you when we are alone" she snapped back at me standing up.

I looked at her stunned. I don't think I was expecting a reaction to come out of her like that, but I can't say I really blame her. And to make it worse she's got these crazy pregnancy hormones. When I regained my composure I started to speak.

"Lexa I know your hurt baby, but we have to talk about this, we have to work this out. I need you. I love you so much" I said to her my eyes locking with hers but all that was meeting mine were pure anger.

"Maybe we'll talk tomorrow, maybe we won't. All I know is I need time alone right now, so please do yourself a favor and don't follow me. Maybe you can take this time and decide if you want to stay with me or fix things with Stephanie. After all she isn't going to be having a baby and turning your life to hell" she spat at me before turning and walking out.

Dani got up next to me and ran to the back room coming out with a pair of black leggings handing them to Smitty.

"Here go get her and just be with her, I won't do her no good right now I'm too fucking pissed off at this fucking prick to talk any sense into her" Dani said as she stood up and walked over sinking into the couch and turning on the tv.

"I'll try my best Dani" he said walking over and giving her a kiss before turning back to me.

"As far as people being pissed at you, add another to the list. I mean bro what the fuck are you fucking doing? It's time to grow the hell up man. You can still be a fucking rockstar and be a one woman man. But if you can't then maybe you aren't really ready for her. You need to make that decision and stop putting that amazing woman through a fucking messed up roller coaster ride" he said turning his back and running after my girl.

I looked out of the front window of the bus as I saw Smitty grab her gently by the arm and pull her into him. Even this far away I can see her body trembling from crying and her face streaked with tears. Smitty just held her rubbing her back and placing kisses on her head.

I walked over to the couches and sat down across from Dani throwing my head back against the couch.

"That should be me out there fixing things with her right now" I said rubbing my hands over my face.

"No you stupid fuck, that should be you two out there kissing each other and laughing after a great fucking night. Not trying to fucking convince her to stay with your sorry ass" Dani said not looking at me.

"Your right" I said letting out a breath.

"I know I'm fucking right Austin. After all that Smitty and I fucking did to get this girl to come with you because you had a different feeling about her. Then you fucking hook up with that fucking whore at the club and she leaves you. You act all fucking depressed like your world is coming to and end and you know what? We all fucking believed you Austin! Even your fucking Dad believed that you had changed!" She said sitting on the edge of the couch pointing and screaming at me.

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