Chapter 11

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"Okay now show me how excited you really are!" Dani laughed.

I stood next to Austin my left hand out in front of me with a huge smile on my face, he wrapped both of his arms around me resting his head on top of mine as he smiled wide.

"Y'all are too cute," she laughed coming over and giving both of us a hug.

"You knew about all of this!?" I asked excitedly.

"Duh! And here you thought Austin and I had a thing. Come on sis! I love him but not like that! I was so excited when he asked me to help though" she laughed.

"Congrats bro, you deserve this more than anyone I know" Smitty said to Austin giving him a legitimate hug.

"Thanks man, but I never could've pulled it off without you guys" he said looking between Smitty and Dani.

"We were glad to help you. I'm so glad your stupid ass finally found a girl you want to spend the rest of your life with" Dani laughed.

"Thanks Dani, I'll take that as a compliment" Austin laughed wrapping his hand back around my waist.

"Excuse me! Did you forget about me!?"

"Rach?" I asked looking around.

"Oh shit, yeah I did sorry!" Smitty was yelling as he pulled his phone back out of his pocket handing it to me.

"Congrats sis!!! I'm so happy for you!" Rachel yelled into the phone.

"Thank you!!" I said smiling wide.

"Well let's see it come on! I couldn't see it before Smitty was too far away"

"Hey, is that a dig at the size of her ring or Smitty's camera work" Austin laughed looking over into the phone.

"Definitely Smitty's camera work! I know you wouldn't jip my girl out of a great ring" Rachel laughed into the phone.

"I was getting a little nervous for a second" Austin said playfully wiping his brow.

"No, really it's beautiful. You did a great job Aus, and your proposal almost had me in tears!" she said laughing.

"I guess this means we will have to be making a trip to Pittsburgh to tell Lexa's parents" Austin said happily placing a kiss on my temple.

Rachel and I made eye contact through the phone as I swallowed hard, a lump quickly growing in my throat that I wasn't going to be able to hide. I quickly pulled away from Austin and handed Smitty back his phone, lightly jogging over to the bench down the street.

I put my head in my hands and started sobbing. I couldn't believe I had gotten this far without telling Austin what was going on, I didn't think I would have to and then the baby is here and now I am engaged and there is no hiding it anymore.

"hey, hey baby girl come here, please come here" I heard Austin saying before even reaching the bench. He finally sat down and wrapped his arms around me as I buried my face into his chest sobbing.

"I'm sorry Austin, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hide anything from you" I ugly cried into his chest.

He held me tight, rubbing my back and placing small kisses in my hair giving me quiet reassuring remarks, my sobs finally starting to slow down.

"Lexa baby, how come you never told me?" I heard him say softly.

"I'm sorry Austin. I had every intention of telling you once I found out about the baby, I just didn't know how. There's no easy way to come out and tell the man that you love that the only family you have is your best friend from college because your parents died in a car accident two years ago" I said wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands.

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