Chapter 6

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Austin and I pulled into the Olive Garden accompanied by none other than Lee and two other bodyguards I had never seen before. We got out and were immediately swarmed by fans. He squeezed my hand tightly before letting it go to take a few pictures with them, each time he was done he returned to my side and rested his hand lightly on my lower back inching me closer to the entrance.

When we finally made it inside, the hostess gave us a seat in a section of the restaurant with no other costumers and assured us that we wouldn't be bothered during our meal before walking away.

"You don't need to look at the menu?" I asked playfully knowing that he didn't.

"Really?" he asked rolling his eyes.

"Hi welcome to the Olive Garden, my name is Nicole and I'll be taking care of you guys tonight. Can I get you something to drink or your orders if your ready?" she asked sweetly, her eyes continuously connecting with Austin's as it looked like she was trying to fight the urge to go full out fan girl on him.

"I'll have the chicken parm extra crispy over rigatoni and a Bud Light. Hold the salad but extra breadsticks with butter" he said with a smile.

I noticed the waitress couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his order as she turned her attention to me.

"I'll have the portobello raviolis and a water please also hold the salad" I said with a smile handing her my menu.

She thanked us for our order and quickly came back with our drinks.

"Boy, if I knew coming to a restaurant with a celebrity meant I get exceptional service I would've tried to find you sooner" I said with a smile squeezing my lemon into my water and taking a sip.

"What can I say, being with me sure has it's perks" he laughed sitting back in his chair and taking a long drink of his Bud Light.

The waitress came back with warm bread sticks and bowl heaping with individual butters and sat them down on the table before walking away.

"OKay baby now I know that you obviously had to see the episode of me taking Jimmy to the Olive Garden or else you wouldn't have jokingly asked me if I needed a menu"

"Oh my god of course! Who hasn't seen that rock star!" I said playfully putting my hand over my chest as if I was appalled that anyone would not have seen that.

He rolled his eyes playfully at me as he took a swig of his beer.

"So anyway.. you're going to eat these bread sticks Post Malone style as well" he said with a laugh reaching into the basket and handing me one.

I immediately took a bite of the bread stick and then grabbed a container of butter and put a sliver on top.

"No no baby girl, you really have to put some butter on there" he laughed grabbing more from the small container and putting it on my bread stick.

"Oh my, that is actually fucking delicious. If I have a new craving for Olive Garden bread sticks and butter and end up being four thousand pounds its all your fault." I laughed.

"Okay well let's not exaggerate. I won't let you get like that. Maybe just three thousand pounds" he laughed.

"Austin?" I asked as I put butter on the last part of the bread stick and popped it into my mouth.

"Yeah baby girl?"

"How come you didn't tell me about the picture of the two of us going into Dr. Barton's office?" I asked wiping my hands and taking a sip of my water.

He grabbed his beer and finished off the little that was left in the bottle and let out a sigh.

"Who showed you?" he asked his eyebrows raised, his eyes connected with mine.

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