Chapter 5

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Lexa's POV

I woke up to a loud alarm going off on the opposite side of the bed. I turned over in Austin's arms shaking him slightly.

"Baby, come on we have to get up" I said sweetly in his ear.

"I don't wanna" he said pulling me in closer to him, his face buried in my chest.

"Come on baby we have to. You don't want to upset thousands of fans do you?" I asked with a laugh, my hands running through his curls.

He pulled away laying back on the pillow, the sheets covering him from the waist down. I looked over at him suddenly getting this hungry desire to have him as I leaned down and meshed my lips with his.

He seemed shocked for a moment, but quickly put his hands on my hips, setting me firmly on his now hardened length.

I kissed him as if he were going to leave me if I stopped, sliding my tongue into his mouth as I deepened the kiss. His hands drifted down my sides connecting with my ass squeezing roughly.

I pulled up off of him grabbing his member in my hand lining him up with my dripping heat as I slid slowly down his member, letting him deliciously stretch me. He placed his tattooed hands roughly on my waist as he started thrusting his hips into my heat, hitting my g-spot each time.

"Fuck Austin, holy shit" I said my hands drifting down his chest, biting my bottom lip.

I looked at him seductively, our eyes connecting with a hungry desire.

"Fuck me hard baby" I whispered.

My words were enough as he roughly flipped me over getting me on all fours. He spread my legs as I felt his tongue collide with my dripping wet folds, flicking it on my clit sending me towards my peak.

"Austin I need you in me please" I whined.

I felt his lips leave my heat only to be filled with his hard cock. He grabbed onto my hips and began thrusting into me relentlessly.

"Fuck Lexa, I can never get enough of this fucking pussy of yours" he growled slamming into my core.

I let out a loud moan as I felt him bottom out, pushing inside of me gently, his fingers sneaking around to the front his thumb rubbing circles on my throbbing clit.

He grabbed my hips and spun me around letting me fall gently into the bed. He spread my legs apart as he slowly entered my heat once more. His eyes lowered down to mine as I got swept up in his gaze.

He put his fingers by my mouth as I obediently opened and started sucking on them, my gaze never leaving his. I saw him bite his bottom lip as he slowly pulled them out.

"You are a fucking goddess Lexa, I love you so much"

"I love you to Austin"

He leaned down and connected his lips with mine as he drove inside me with quick thrusts. I slowly felt myself starting to come apart as I started to clench around his dick.

"Cum all over my dick angel, I know your so fucking close" his raspy voice said lowly.

"Fuck Austin" I whined as he pushed himself up and wrapped his tattooed hand around my throat learning all to well what got me to that sweet high.

He pushed in me and I saw his face start to twist into extreme pleasure as I felt him twitch at the exact moment my walls started coming down. He leaned in kissing me with a raging hunger as we both blissfully came with each other.

He pulled away briefly before placing another kiss on my swollen pink lips rolling off of me, his fingers laced with mine.

"Fuck Lexa, that was fucking amazing" he said with a smile breathing heavily.

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