Chapter 19

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Austin's POV

"Lexa!" I said loudly, giving her gentle but firm shakes.

"Smitty she isn't waking up!" I yelled.

"Is she still breathing Austin!?" he asked looking back over his shoulder quickly.

"Yes, but she isn't waking up! Lexa please wake up, please" I begged, tears starting to pool in my eyes.

"Austin we're almost there bro, hang in there" Smitty said, the engine of the Escalade racing as we neared the hospital.

"Please Lexa, I'm so sorry for everything. Please wake up baby, please" I said, the tears flowing down my cheeks.

Smitty pulled the car to a stop outside of the ER, quickly getting out and opening my door. I hopped out and scooped her up in my arms walking quickly through the doors.

"Sir how can we help you?" a nurse said walking up to me.

"Please, something is wrong with my fiancée she's breathing but unresponsive and she's pregnant. Please help her, please" I begged.

Within seconds a bed was next to me with several nurses and doctors around her. They were quickly hooking her up to oxygen and wrapping several monitors around her stomach. Other nurses skillfully starting IV's and hooking her up to fluids as they wheeled her back into the ER.

I started walking back with them only for the nurse to grab me by the arm. I stopped and looked down at her hand resting firmly on my arm before my eyes made harsh contact with hers.

"That's my fucking fiancée and baby, you better fucking let me go" I said my jaw clenching.

"Sir there is no need to get belligerent. There is no need for you to go back there right now, they will be running several tests" she said not backing down from my gaze.

"I don't think you understand" I said turning to look at her. 

"Sir if you can't gather yourself I'm going to have to ask you to leave and you won't be able to come back and see them" she said.

"Okay, come on Posty let's go for a walk" Smitty said coming and grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me away.

"I need a fucking cigarette" I said shaking Smitty off me as I walked out the doors to the ER.

I walked around the corner and sat myself on a low brick wall, my unlit cigarette hanging between my fingers as I put my head in my hands and started to cry.

I did this to her, my selfish mentality did this to her. Why couldn't I just accept that she was the girl I wanted, that she showed me how much she wants me every single day instead of fucking with other people.

I heard Smitty walk around the corner quietly sitting down next to me and lighting a cigarette. That was the one good thing about Smitty, he knew when I needed someone to be there, but also knew when I didn't want to talk.

"Bro, she's going to be okay" Smitty said quietly after a few minutes.

"How do you know that Smitty? You didn't see her, how quick she went from good to unresponsive in a matter of hours" I said looking at him with a tear streaked face, not even giving a shit.

"I know man, I'm just trying to be optimistic for you. Your a fucking mess bro, you almost took out a fucking nurse man. Lex wouldn't want you to be like this" he said inhaling on his cigarette.

"It's hard man, she's my world. I don't know what will happen if I lose her. I can't help but feel like I did this to her with all the extra shit I added to her plate" I said looking over at him.

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