33: burdens.

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Cameron peeked into the bathroom as he came up the stairs, giving a small smile as he watched Ada stick bobby pins into her hair before he continued down the hall to his room. He went and sat his phone that was on speaker onto his dresser as he walked into the closet. He sifted through his clothes to see which shirt would go with the jeans he had on.

"Who you bringing? Is Karan coming?" Kamil, one of Cameron's castmates from the Grown Ups franchise asked, causing his voice to echo a bit through Cameron's phone.

"Uh, Karan is coming but later on after he leaves Troy's. Just my girl," Cameron said loud enough to be heard from the closet as he took a shirt off of a hanger, examining it before deciding to find something else. "I don't even think I'm going to bowl tonight, I'm probably just going to chill."

"Yeah, me neither. You know Tanner gone have everyone and their mama in there bowling," Kamil chuckled in agreement. 

"That's what I said," Cameron chuckled as he finally threw on a shirt before picking up his white converse as he exited the closet, grabbing his phone from the dresser as he went and sat on the edge of the bed. "But, did you get a gift?"

"Hell naw," Kamil said before laughing, causing Cameron to nod and laugh as he began to pull on his shoes.

"Good, because I didn't either," he chuckled as he gave a small smile at Ada as she came in the room and walked past him to the closet.

"That nigga rich enough to rent out a bowling alley, he don't need a gift," Kamil joked. "But, you know Nadji is going to be there, right?"

"Nadji? You mean Nadji Jeter?! Man, I have not seen him in like, two years! Wow! Damn bro!" Cameron said, getting a bit excited to have the chance to catch up with one of his old friends.

"Yeah! It was like he dropped off the face of the damn earth! He had texted me and said he was coming! But aye, text me when you get there, Imma finish getting ready," Kamil said.

"Aight bruh, see you," Cameron said as Kamil said the same back to him before he hung up. He continued to put his shoes on before he looked up at Ada as she came out of the closet with her shoes, noticing her hair. It was pulled up into a curly puff, and he had never seen her wear it that way before. He admired her for a second before he puckered his lips up toward her as she came towards him. She planted a quick kiss there before she bent down, beginning to slide her shoes on.

"I like your hair like that," he softly complimented. She looked surprised for a second as she looked up at him before she gave a shy smile. If only he knew that she was having a breakdown in the bathroom just moments before. She had spent about an hour and a half of being frustrated with her hair, trying to put it down in her usual style and then trying to put it in a bun. Every style failed, leaving her with no choice but to put it up into a curly puff, which she thought made her look stupid. She wasn't used to her hair texture since it had a changed a bit since she cut off the dead ends. She didn't really know how to manage it. But, hearing Cameron compliment her slightly eased her stress.

But then, a thought began to nag into her mind. Maybe he thought her hair looked bad, and was just trying and make her feel better. What if he was just trying to be nice, thinking she looked ugly but didn't want to hurt her feelings? She began to get anxious as she continued to put on her shoes, still feeling his eyes on her. He was probably looking at how stupid her hair looked. He was probably contemplating on even taking her out with him anymore-

"You ready mamas?" Ada heard Cameron ask, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked up at him, realizing that he had gotten off of the bed and was getting his wallet off of the dresser. She nodded, standing up straight and fixing her shirt.

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