4: mamas.

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"A...A hand me the remote."

Ada perked up a bit at the sound of her nickname and looked at her sister. She blinked before laying the Bratz doll and small toy brush on her lap, reaching on the side of the bean bag she was sitting on, grabbing the remote before handing it over.

"I don't wanna watch this," she said when the channel on the TV was changed to Nickelodeon and she saw that 'House of Anubis' was playing. She looked over at her sister as she started to put the remote down. "Nooo! Nari change the channel! I don't wanna watch this."

Anari sighed in frustration and defeat as she picked the remote back up, flipping through the channels. "Well, what'chu wanna watch then?"

Ada shrugged. "Just put it back on Disney-"

"No, I don't wanna watch 'So Random'."

"...Why not? I think that's the episode with Mindless Behavior," she said, knowing her sister couldn't resist their favorite boy group.

"...No, I don't care cause I already seen them on that."

"Well, it was goin' off before you changed the channel, anyway," Ada replied as she shifted a little when another child ran past the bean bag chair, almost running into her. She watched as her sister kept flicking through different channels before smacking her teeth. "Just put it on Disney Anari-"

"Okay, dang!" Anari interrupted, rolling her eyes as she put in the channel number for Disney Channel before sitting the remote down and laid across a bean bag chair. The sisters settled and watched as the 'Jessie' theme song began to play. Two other kids came and sat near them to watch TV.

Ada watched as each of the kids were introduced on the screen, and analyzed the little black girl on the show as she walked into the kitchen, reciting a sassy line with a toy tiara on her head.

She thought the girl was so pretty. She liked her clothes, finding the particular dress with hearts that she was wearing in this episode really cute. She wished she could dress like that, and live in a big house and have a nice room with a bunch of dolls like the little girl on the show.

About halfway through the episode, Ada paused braiding the doll's hair when she heard her name being called.

"Anari! Ada! Your dad is here!"

She turned her head toward the front of the daycare in excitement-

and looked into Cameron's face as he held her chin in between his index finger and thumb. She paused, almost holding her breath. He seemed to be doing the same.

He let go of her face, quickly putting his hand on the neck of his guitar that was laying on his lap.

"You're uh...your lip is finally healed up."

She sat frozen before touching her lip and slowly nodding, feeling the heat in her face intensify.


Cameron looked down at his phone when he noticed his music stopped playing, and saw an incoming facetime from Brenna. He swiped on his phone before bending his head over the sink to spit out some of the toothpaste in his mouth.

"Cammy Cammm!" he heard her voice call out as he looked over his phone, continuing to brush his teeth.

"Hey, hold up," he muffled before brushing for a few more seconds and then spitting into the sink.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked, propping his phone against the wall on the counter so that they could see each other, leaning on the counter as he looked at her.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now