27: for you.

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Cameron 🐵💖

Today 5:23 AM

happy birthday babyyyyyy
i know you probably still
sleep, but I just wanted to be
one of the first people to
wish you happy birthday ❤️
im gonna call you when i can
i promise!!!!
i love you ❤️

Ada smiled before putting her phone back down. She had read his message probably about twenty times at that point. Though it wasn't much, she had never woken up to a birthday text before, and it made her smile to know that he wanted to be the first one to wish her happy birthday.

Really, today was just another day for Ada. She hadn't celebrated her birthday since she was 11 years old, and over time March 5th just became an ordinary day. But, it felt different this go round. Maya had jumped on top of her to wake her up that morning, screaming happy birthday to her, and Victor had bought her a "breakfast birthday donut" which apparently is a tradition in their house. She had seen them do the same for Maya on her birthday. It made her happy inside, knowing that people cared enough to acknowledge her birthday. It also tripped her out a bit since it was something she definitely wasn't used to anymore.

Ada rolled over in the bed as she stared at her laptop screen. She was watching a documentary, which was assigned to watch as a part of a school project. She sighed as the screen flashed various images of the royal family, trying to retain information about them knowing she would have to write a three page paper about them. She didn't feel like taking notes, so she hoped she would remember all of the important details.

She settled down to focus on getting started on her paper for the rest of her day.


@thecameronboyce just posted a photo

"Mom, did... did you see what Cam posted? On Instagram?" Maya asked as she looked over at her mom as she drove.

"Uh, no, what'd he post?" Libby asked before she looked to the side of her, Maya's phone in her face. She raised her eyebrows before she smiled and let out a small giggle as she looked at the photo.

It was a picture of him and Ada.

{He could see himself, looking sleepily into the camera. Ada's side profile could be seen as she slept on his arm, her face slightly in the crook of his neck. He stared at the sight in the camera for a second before snapping a picture.}

The picture was filtered in black and white, and she could tell that Cameron had chose that specific picture because of the fact that Ada's face couldn't be seen.

"Aww. That was nice of him. Guess he didn't want to reveal her all of the way- Maya be careful!" Libby warned as the cake in Maya's lap almost slid onto the floor.

"I got it ma, I got it," Maya chuckled as she took her phone back, looking down at her screen as she pushed one of the many balloons they had just picked up for Ada that kept hovering over back into the backseat.

thecameronboyce: happy birthday. wish i could be there to celebrate with you. i'll be home soon ❤️

View all 3,048 comments

xmobbboytruthlover: WHAT
tiana_hearts: hold up who is that????
laurynspeights: birthday princess 💘
chinamcclain: happy birthday beautiful 🥰
~chameronforeva: you knew about this? 🤦🏾‍♀️
wowzers25: he has a girlfriend?
didifanlala: wasnt he just with kelsey?
dovecameron: 🥺 happy birthday to your baby 💕
wickeddescendants: awwwww you have a girlfriend? 😍 happy birthday!
tajspeights: hbd lil dawg ✊🏿❤️
iceywifeme: you just love breakin my heart, huh?
chameronx2: 😐 welp, let's pack it up boys, we tried
~chinaboyce: girl when i tell you im SOBBING RIGHT NOW
paygebabyeee: ...she cute or whateva
~palmtreesandlove: you cant even see her face 😭
~paygebabyeee: listen im trying to be nice
sophiereynolds: happy birthdayyyyy 🌻

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