38: new normal (2/2).

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"Hey! Since when do y'all keep the doors unlocked?" Cameron playfully questioned as he walked through the front door of his parents' house.

"Is that Cameron?!" Libby could be heard shouting from down the hall, causing Cameron to giggle as he shut the door once Ada walked in.

"Yes it issss," Cameron responded, noticing the smell of something savory baking in the oven. "And right on time, what are you cooking?!"

"Camrennnn," a tiny voice shouted along with small footsteps pattering on the floor.

"Shiaaaa!" Cameron yelled excitedly, letting her run to him before he picked her up, twirling her in a circle.

"Helloooo," Maya greeted as she came in behind Shia, her arms crossed as she held a book she had been reading to her chest. She gave Ada a small hug before she gently kicked the back of Cameron's knee.

"When I put this kid down, I'm shoveling you," Cameron threatened, his voice muffled as Shia excitedly hugged his head, his face smothered into her little chest.

"Good luck with that," Maya retorted, sluggishly sitting at the breakfast table.

"Babies, oh my babies!" Libby excitedly greeted them, coming into the kitchen with her arms stretched out in excitement. Cameron chuckled as he put Shia down, embracing his mom as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and a tight squeeze.

"You guys are hommeeee!" Libby cooed as she moved onto Ada, giving her a big hug. Ada smiled as Libby leaned back, checking her out. "You look so pretty! Sorry, I'm trying to make sure Cameron is feeding you right. How many times have you eaten pizza a week so far?"

" I do not order pizz-"

"6 times," Ada responded, causing Libby to gasp and Cameron to shoot her a glare.

"Why are you lying?" Cameron grumbled, squinting his eyes at her.

"I'm not, you order pizza everyday," Ada replied, causing Libby to furrow her eyebrows at Cameron.

"There goes your insides," Maya chimed in with a bored tone as she read her book.

"It is not everyday, Ma, she's lying," Cameron tried to yell over Ada as she shook her head.

"I am not!"

"Yes you are! You're a dirty liar!"

"Don't call her a dirty liar Cameron," Libby chuckled.

"First of all, you are my mom!" Cameron pointed out. "You take my side!"

"As your mama I am appalled that you have been living off of pizza. You're ruining your body AND Ada's!"

"You should be thanking me. If I didn't order pizza, she'd be living off of Gushers and jello cups. She eats like a toddler!" Cameron explained as he threw his hands in the air.

"Well what else is she supposed to eat if there's no other food in the fridge?! You are perfectly capable of going grocery shopping and cooking a nutritious meal!" Libby complained, her hands on her hips.

"Yeah Ada, you are capable of going grocery shopping and cooking a nutritious meal!" Cameron playfully turned his mother's scolding toward Ada.

"I don't have a car," Ada squinted her eyes.

"You have two legs. You can walk. Target is like a 20 minute walk," Cameron simply said, flinching as Libby pretended to hit him.

"Oh okay," Ada nodded, her face blank.

"I was kidding! I was kidding! Don't do that!" Cameron yelled as he grabbed her arm, pulling her into a bear hug as she giggled.

"Whoaaa, where did you guys come from?" Victor chuckled as he came in from the garage.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now