20: all night.

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"And did you check to make sure all of the appliances work?"

"Yes ma-"

"Because they'll fine you if you leave and anything is broken or marked up. So go around and check every crack and crevice. And did you get any groceries yet?"

"No, not yet-"

"When are you going to do that? You need to have food."

"Probably tomorrow, I'm eating piz-"

"I don't know why Vic would leave without going on a grocery run with you first-"

"Mom!" Cameron interrupted, giving a simulateneous chuckle and sigh. "I'm fine. I'm going to be eating out most of the time anyway, but I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow."

"I'm just making sure!" Libby said into the phone, taking in her son's face through the screen as she drove.

"I'm fine ma," he chuckled as he stood up from his couch. "If I can make it in Canada alone, I can make it in New York alone. What time did dad get in?"

It had been two days since Cameron arrived in New York. Victor stayed to make sure his son got settled in his new apartment before returning to California, and the two had spent most of the day moving in some furniture to his temporary and tiny apartment and exploring the city. Cameron watched his mother's eyes as they shifted between her phone screen and the road.

"Those are two different locations Cam. But he got in the house really early this morning, around 6, looking like a zombie," Libby chuckled. "But it's good to hear your voice. It's only been two days and I already miss you!"

Cameron chuckled as he watched his mother playfully coo into the phone. "I miss you guys too. I would have called yesterday, but I couldn't calculate the time difference so I didn't want to disturb you guys if you were asleep."

"I think you're about three hours ahead of us. But you can call the girls now, they were up when I left the house."

"Well I tried to facetime Ada but she wasn't answering so I thought she was still asleep," Cameron said as he picked up the remote to his TV to turn the volume down.

"Oh, that's because she lost her phone yesterday," Libby chuckled.

"Again?" Cameron laughed as he shook his head.

"Yep. We're still trying to find it, but we know it has to be somewhere in the house. I told her I'm going to strap it to her forehead," Libby giggled as she shook her head. "But, I would still try to call her, she should be on her laptop by now," Libby laughed causing Cameron to join in. "But, I'm pulling into the office now, so I have to go honey. But good luck and have fun exploring the city! Call often, okay? And be safe please!"

"I will ma, I will!" Cameron laughed. They exchanged "I love you's" before they ended the call. Cameron gave a small sigh as he went to his call log before pressing Ada's contact, attempting to facetime her again. He was praying that she was actually on her laptop at the moment, since she had been attached to it ever since Libby got it for her for Christmas so that she could do her schoolwork on it.

Ada's eyes lit up. "Cameron!" she quietly whispered in excitement and gasped when "Cameron 🐵💖" popped up on the screen of her MacBook, interrupting Princess and the Frog which she was streaming on Netflix. She quickly and impatiently tried to pull one of her arms back through the sleeves of the hoodie so that she could answer the call.

"Hey mamas," he grinned as he felt his heart pace a little faster when he saw Ada on his screen. She was slightly curled into a ball on his bed, one of her arms inside of the hoodie that he left for her.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now