29: baby in the corner.

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"I... we just wanted to have a chat about the whole... moving situation," Victor began to say as he sat on his and Libby's bed. Cameron raised his eyebrows as he leaned against his parents dresser.

"Moving situation?"

"Um, about Ada moving in with you guys in the apartment," Libby clarified as she stood in the archway of the master bathroom, massaging her face with a facial roller. Cameron furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Cam, I don't really know if Ada is... I don't think you two are ready to move in together right now."

"...Why do you think that?" Cameron asked slowly, already knowing this conversation was going to go south.

"Because... you just simply aren't ready for that Cameron," Victor said as he tried to think of how to word his and Libby's argument.

"Ready for... what? We already live together, the only difference is that we live with you guys. And you all would just be twenty minutes away. What exactly is the difference?"

Libby slightly sighed. "Ready for-... you're not ready to... to deal with all that comes with Ada right now."

Cameron's parents watched as he looked between the two of them, confusion riddled on his face as he tried to figure out what they were trying to get at. Cameron's face twisted up as he let out a sneeze, causing snot to fly out as he quickly put his hand to his nose.

"Eugh Cam," Victor grimaced as he watched Cameron quickly grab a tissue from the box next to him on the dresser.

"I told you that you were going to get sick," Libby chuckled as Cameron shook his head before he sneezed into the napkin again. "I told you to keep socks and a shirt on around the house for the first few days while your body gets readjusted to the weather change."

"It gets hot," Cameron nasally said as he grabbed more tissues and wiped his nose as it started to run.

"But... back to the conversation Cameron, Ada is going through a lot right now and... I think it might be best if she just stays here, with your mom, so she can make sure she is... stable," Victor explained, but his voice trailed off as he watched Cameron look off to the side, following his eyes and seeing Ada come into the doorway.

"Hey," Cameron greeted her before chuckling as she held up a homemade rice krispy treat wrapped in a napkin. "Oh, are they done? I'll be in there in second, aight?" he told her. She nodded as she took in his serious facial expression as she backed out of the door and down the hall. Victor waited and made sure she was fully gone before he began to speak again.

"We just think it would be best if she stayed here, and maybe she can just spend the night there at the apartment sometime-"

"But why? What gives you the idea that she's not 'well enough' to move in? She's talking and happy and-" Cameron began to say before Libby cut him off.

"Now she's talking. She wasn't talking when you were gone. At all," Libby pointed out.

"Actually, has she really even been talking since you've been home? Because I'm noticing that she's still quiet around here and you've been home for going on three days now," Victor chimed in, raising his eyebrows.

"...Yeah, she's talked," Cameron hesitantly said as he thought about the past couple of days, feeling a bit unsure. He was so busy focused on being home again that he never really took notice of whether Ada had been speaking or not. "Either way, what does her not talking that have to do with us moving in together? She's happy and excited-"

"Because Cameron she is not okay. You've only been home for what? Two days? Of course she's fine right now. Also, her being mute was definitely not the only problem we were dealing with while you were away," Libby said as Victor nodded his head in agreement.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now