25: space.

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"Maya, if you're coming with us then finish getting ready, we're leaving in about ten minutes!" Ada could hear Libby yell to Maya from the other room.

This prompted Ada to let out a deep sigh as she stood in front of the closet. Not only because she didn't really feel like going to therapy, but also she didn't have anything to wear.

Literally, nothing to wear.

She grabbed another pair of her jeans before trying to put her legs into them. As she pulled them up she looked at the ceiling, having to jump to get them over her thighs. Eventually, they got to her hips but to her disdain she couldn't button them. She shook her head as she hurriedly took them off before throwing them to the floor, having them join the three other pairs that she had already tried. Since that was her last pair, she walked to the dresser to see if she had any leggings. Surely they would fit, considering they were stretchy.

But, yet again she came to a standstill as she rolled the leggings up, only to hear a stretch and a tear as she forcefully pulled them up her thighs. She paused before looking into the mirror, slightly contorting her body to look at the damage. Her mouth fell open when she saw the rip in the seat of them. She quickly tore them off, kicking them to the side before putting her head into her hands. There was no way she couldn't even fit her leggings anymore. Sure, she knew she was gaining a little weight, but she didn't think she gained that much.

Ada looked into the mirror again as she stood in her underwear. She furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed the light lines that were starting to appear on her body. She ran her fingers across them, seeing them on her waist and hips. There were even some on her breasts. Ada sighed, knowing that if they kept growing she would be forced to start wearing bras, a contraption she never bothered herself to wear since her boobs were damn near nonexistent.

She had been wearing Cameron's clothes most of the time, barely touching her own wardrobe. She guessed that since she was too busy wearing his ensembles that were baggy and too big for her, she hadn't noticed the difference in her body. And now as she stared into the mirror, she was facing the reality of her body changing.

Ada went to Cameron's drawers to scour for something of his to put on, knowing that they needed to leave the house soon. Tears clouded her eyes as she reluctantly pulled out one of his shirts before sliding her sweatpants back on, the only possession of hers that fit at the moment. She sniffled as she smoothed the shirt over herself, watching as it hid the new growths of her body.

She felt ugly.

She walked out of the bedroom and toward the front of the house to get ready to leave. Libby smiled at her as she picked up her purse, her keys jingling.

"Did you find your phone?" Libby asked. Ada shook her head, causing Libby to chuckle. After Cameron's call a couple of days ago, Ada had let her phone die, not having the energy to look at it. In the process, she somehow lost it.

That wasn't the only thing she didn't have enough energy to deal with. For the past few days, Ada stayed in bed. She slept, she wept, she ate, she watched tv, and then repeated. She also hadn't touched her schoolwork at all, and she knew she needed to look for her laptop as well when she returned home from therapy. She hadn't seen that in a while either.

"Eh, we'll find it, it has to be somewhere in the house. I'm serious about strapping it to your forehead," Libby teased. "Alright Maya, we're going to the car, if you're not out there we're leaving you!"


"So, when you're not doing homework, and you're not watching TV, what do you usually do when you're around the house?" Dr. Christian began as she scooted her chair closer to the table. Ada paused to think before she gave a shrug as she shook her head, her eyebrow raised.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now