6: let me know.

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Ada opened her eyes, her bedroom slowly coming into view as the blur of sleep began to leave her eyes. She blinked, staring at her closet door as she tried to fully wake up. She sat up, scratching her arm as she got off of her bed. She pulled her pajama shorts down a bit as she sluggishly walked out of her room and into the hall.

She peeked into her dad's room, looking at the piles of clothes that littered the floor. His mattress that was on the floor was empty, his radio softly playing. She continued to walk down the short hall into the living room, where she could see her sister's legs on the couch and she slowly came to view as Ada walked in. 

"Where daddy at?" Ada asked, looking around, about to head into the kitchen to look for him.

"He outside. You want the rest of my noodles?" Anari asked, holding up her Cup Noodles.

Ada walked over to her sister, taking the cup before scrunching her face up. "Eugh, don't nobody want beef noodles."

Anari rolled her eyes at her twin sister. "You're picky."

Ada ignored her sisters remarks as she walked towards the balcony. She struggled to slide open the door, since it had gone off of its track. She walked to the railing, looking down and immediately spotting the back of her dad's head as he stood in his usual spot. 

Ada watched as he stood, nodding to whatever music was coming out of his headphones. He kept one of them pushed behind his ear as he kept his hands in his pockets. A man came up to him, dapping him up and then quickly walking away.

Ada caught a glimpse of green as her father shoved his hand back into his pockets. She sat down on the ground crisscrossed, watching her dad through the bars of the railing as she played with her sock on her foot.

It wasn't long before she heard the sliding door slowly open again, and she turned and watched as her sister struggled to get it to open enough for her to slide through. Eventually, she got it, and Anari walked up to the railing, looking down and joining in the watch with her sister.

Anari waited for her dad to finish dapping up another person, but then watched as her dad began to talk to the man. Impatient, she put her feet in between the railings, standing on it as she slightly leaned down, calling out for her dad.


Ada watched as her dad readjusted his other headphone at the sound of his daughter's voice before turning his head to face upward-

Ada opened her eyes. She sighed, before turning in the bed, burying herself deeper into the covers. 


"Yes. Yessss. Yes," Brenna moaned, her body moving back and forth. She sighed in pleasure as Cameron laid down on her, pushing himself all the way into her. "I'm cumming..."

Cameron stayed deep in her, bucking his hips harder into her as he chased his own climax, wincing as her nails dug into his shoulder. He licked and sucked sloppily at her neck as he felt her tighten around him. He bucked into her one final time before quickly sitting up. He pulled himself out of her, throwing off the condom as he came on her thigh. He sat back on his calves, sighing in pleasure.

Brenna got up, turning over onto her knees. Cameron chuckled before grabbing her by the waist, pulling her up with her back against his chest and kissing her gently on her neck.

"Hold on, Bren, I need to talk to you for a second," he said. He watched her as she slowly maneuvered around to face him, her eyebrow cocked. He placed his hand on her neck.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now