16: bet you won't.

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"Shit," Cameron mumbled when he accidently pressed the button on the blender, causing some of the blended contents to fly out. Ada giggled as she sat at the kitchen island, watching him wipe up some of the spilled food off of the counter before pouring the strawberry-banana smoothie into a bowl. He was trying to make smoothie bowls for breakfast... emphasis on the "trying". Maya was in the shower, and he wanted to experiment with their choice of breakfast this morning since his mom was at work and his dad was out on his daily cycling trip.

Ada watched as he put the bowl into the freezer to chill before he came back to the island, reaching into the bag of frozen strawberries to begin making another one. She swung her legs back and forth, nervously trying to find the courage to ask him the question that was weighing on her mind ever since their kiss two nights ago.

As he was cutting up a banana, she sat up, taking her elbows off of the counter and into her lap as she took a deep breath. "...Cameron?"

"Hmm?" Cameron muttered, taking a peek at her as he began to put the sliced bananas into the blender before reaching for the honey.

"Am... am I your... girlfriend...now?" Ada asked sheepishly, her eyebrow cocked as she felt her heartbeat pick up its pace from the "daring" question she had just asked.

Cameron smiled, chuckling as he focused on squeezing the correct amount of honey before reaching for the top to the blender. "...Do you want to be my girlfriend, Ada?" Cameron found her question to be adorably funny. He thought it was clear that they had started an actual relationship by now, but obviously Ada hadn't gotten the memo. He took another peek at her from the corner of his eye while he placed the cup of the blender back onto the base, seeing Ada nervously bite her lip.


"Well... then yes you are my girlfriend," Cameron laughed as he nodded before he pressed the button on the blender, causing it to roar as it did its thing. Ada blushed as she fought back a smile, leaning on the counter again with her chin in her hands as she watched him begin to pour the second bowl.

Cameron took another glance at her, laughing to himself at Ada's facial expression. Once he finished pouring the smoothie, he put that one in the freezer as well before walking up to her. Ada watched as he came toward her, feeling her stomach do backflips. She had an extra feeling of excitement now. Cameron was her boyfriend. She had never had one before, and she liked the new feeling of officially having it be declared that he is hers.

He kissed her cheek, rubbing her chin and smiling at her before stepping to the side to make the third bowl, leaving Ada to blissfully watch him as she swooned.


"If you break that, ya mama gone toss you like a salad," Taj laughed as he watched Maya grab onto the light hanging from the living room ceiling.

"I don't think that means what you think it means homie," Naj laughed as Ray and Tyler looked at each other and snickered.

"Maya, dude stop," Cameron said, tapping her thigh as he walked past her to go turn on his PlayStation.

"Fuck off, we were in here before you," Maya spat with annoyance in her voice. Korynn laughed as she began to record Maya as she stood on top of the foot rest, letting one of her legs dangle as she held onto the light. Cameron looked over his shoulder at her, rolling his eyes when he saw her continue with her antics.

"Alright, if you break it, that's ya ass," Taj said shaking his head.

"I'm not going to break it."

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