9: the come around.

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A week.

For an entire week, Ada stayed away from Cameron. She found herself following Maya around like a lost puppy whenever she was lonely. But Maya was only home in the afternoon and at night. When Maya was at school, Ada sat in the sitting room, barricading herself in there as she watched endless YouTube videos. Usually, she would be in Cameron's room or the living room, but she couldn't take the chance of having to look at his face. 

Whenever he did see her, he would smile at her or say something to her. But, she would have no reaction. She would just look at him, a blank stare on her face. And Ada felt terrible for doing him like that.

She had no idea why she was so upset. At least she thought she was upset. She didn't really understand her emotions or what she was feeling. Ada had never really had a crush on someone before. She didn't understand the different and perplex emotions that came with crushing on someone that she thought she would never have a chance with.

It's not like she didn't know that Cameron had a girlfriend. From the hickeys to his talks on the phone, she had gotten the hint and it was established that he had a girl in his life.

But, physically seeing said girlfriend did something to Ada.

She couldn't put a finger on it. She didn't understand why she was feeling the way she was feeling. What she did know, was that the way she was ignoring and avoiding him was starting to feel... mean. Ada didn't want to be rude to Cameron, especially when he didn't do anything wrong to her. 

It was her feelings about him that were making her act that way, which wasn't fair to him. Cameron didn't know that Ada liked him. He had a girlfriend, and Ada's feelings toward him wasn't going to change that. 

She came to terms with the fact that Cameron was simply her friend. He was nice to her because he was her friend, not because he liked her. He wasn't aware of her crush, and he did not like her back. How could she punish him for her feelings, which are feelings that he isn't even aware of. How was she going to punish him for having a girlfriend, who was probably there before Ada was even thought of? Ada felt selfish for the way she was feeling. Why did she think he would drop his girlfriend for her?

Why did she think he even wanted her? Ada was beginning to feel delusional for thinking he even saw her in a romantic way.

Ada decided that she would swallow the feelings she had for Cameron down.  Cameron didn't deserve to be treated that way, just because Ada couldn't tell the difference between someone taking interest in her and someone just simply being nice. She was going to stop ignoring him, and try to push her emotions to the back.


Cameron didn't understand what was going on with Ada.

He missed being around her. It had been three weeks without her shy little smile and giggles in his presence. He was hoping to finally spend time with her now that he was on his little hiatus from work, but it was a week into his little break and all he got were vacant looks and the backside as she walked away. 

There were even some days where he wouldn't see her at all, like she vanished from the house or something. When he actually did catch a glimpse of her, he would try and speak to her, but she had no reaction. It was as if he never said anything to her, like he was invisible. The way she was acting reminded him of how she was when she first came to live at his house. Quiet and distant. It felt like she had been factory reset or something.

These thoughts were heavy on Cameron's mind as he bounced his basketball on the pavement of the garage, listening to the echoes it created blend in with the Jodeci song that was playing from his dad's speakers along with his dad and uncle London talking .

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now