3: that you?

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"So she doesn't talk...like at all?" Karan asked, dipping his fries in honey mustard.

"Like, at all. Like no sound, she's silent. The only sound I've heard come out of her is a sneeze," Cameron replied, pushing Sophie's hands out of his fries. "Why didn't you just order fries? Why you gotta take mine?"

"Because I wa-"

"Because she's trying to go on a diet. WHICH, she doesn't need to," Karan interrupted, throwing some of his fries onto her chicken salad.

"It's to be healthier, not to lose weight. And I just wanted a little Cam, you're so stingy," she replied, pouting as she picked up and bit into one of the fries in her salad. Cameron took some of his fries and added them to her bowl. She grinned, squinting her eyes at him.

"Do you guys know why she doesn't talk?" Karan asked.

"Uh...I don't know. My mom said she's gone through some...trauma. Like abuse. She has a black eye, so I guess whoever she was living with was abusive, hitting on her," Cameron replied, thinking about Ada's bruised face.

It had been a full week since she arrived, and her face was starting to clear up. The swelling in her eye had gone down, and her scratches were starting to scab up. Her ankle was also seemingly healed up, with Ada no longer limping around the house. The only problem was her busted lip. She kept accidently biting it, and opening the wound back up.

"I think she has really bad social anxiety, probably. We were at Starbucks a couple of days ago, and she like, yanked me by my coat and damn near slid behind me when these kids came in behind us," Cameron chuckled a bit.

"Aw, yeah. She probably does. Aww, that's kind of sad... I don't know why she grabbed on to you, though," Sophie said, smirking.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Cameron asked, throwing his arms up in question as he laughed.

"If someone were to like, attack you or something, you know damn well you would have ran, leaving everyone behind. Just like you left me and Brenna in that cornfield maze," she replied, laughing as Karan erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Dude, you literally-...you two literally sat there in the maze talking about 'I wanna see what he looks like, ask him if he'll take off his mask'," Cameron said, mocking the two girls.

"Did you see his abs? I wanted to see his faaaaace."

"You were looking at his abs like he wasn't holding a big ass chainsaw?!" Karan asked.

"Right?! You horny ass kids can do what you want, you won't catch my ass being chopped up because you wanted some dick from Leatherface," Cameron said, causing Karan and Sophie laugh. "I ain't no bitch but if a dude coming at me with a chainsaw...Imma run."

The three finished their food before heading to their cars, Sophie jumping into Cameron's and Karan getting into his own. They planned to go back to Cameron's house to have a marathon of New Girl.

When they arrived to his house, they saw Maya and two of her friends out in the front yard, doing handstands as they recorded each other. Maya immediately ran to Karan and Sophie as they got out of the cars, having not seen them since before Cameron had gone to Canada.

"Mom and dad went to Aunty Kam's house. There's pizza in there," she informed her brother as she let go of Sophie's embrace before Cameron and his friends made their way into the house. Cameron nodded before closing the door, throwing his keys on the counter as they took their shoes off at the door. He walked into the living room, slightly frowning when he didn't see Ada in her usual spot on the couch.

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