15: all i want is you.

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Cameron opened his eyes a bit before shutting them again. He blinked a few times as he woke up, seeing his bedroom door as sunlight bounced off of it. Immediately, he slightly glanced down, seeing Ada in his arms. She was asleep, her head resting on Cameron's bicep. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, with his free arm around her waist. Cameron rubbed his eyes, getting the sleep out of them as he tried to adjust to the light coming through his windows.

There was a 'ding' on his phone, followed by two more, causing him to swiftly reach over, grabbing his phone off of his end table. He tried his best to turn off his ringer so that the outburst of notifications wouldn't wake Ada. But it wasn't an easy task considering he could only use one hand since Ada was laying on his other arm. Thankfully, he was able to turn it off, and he looked down at Ada, relieved that she wasn't disturbed.

He turned back on his side, putting his arm back across Ada's waist with his phone behind her as he held it up so that he could see it. He sleepily squinted as he looked at the bright screen. Realizing that the influx of messages were coming from his group chat with Sophie and Karan, he swiped, opening it up. He mentally rolled his eyes when he saw it was just Sophie repeatedly sending messages, freaking out over some drama that happened on Twitter the night before. He muted the chat so that he wouldn't get annoyed before going to Snapchat, seeing that he had some new notifications. As he opened the app, he could see himself, looking sleepily into the camera. Ada's side profile could be seen as she slept on his arm, her face slightly in the crook of his neck. He stared at the sight in the camera for a second before snapping a picture. He saved it to his camera roll — without posting it — before he finally went to see who had snapped him. It was a chat from Taj from about 4 AM.


ayo, is you good?
ok you not good

yea im good, my b
some stuff was going on

Cameron yawned as he scrolled on his phone before looking up when he heard his door begin to open. His eyes met his mother's, who raised her eyebrows at the sight of the two laying in bed together.

"Hey," Cameron greeted her, his voice deep and tired.

"Hey...what are you doing in here?" she asked, smiling at him in a teasing manner. When she didn't see Cameron in the living room, he figured he might be in his bedroom getting dressed or something. But, she was surprised to see him and Ada cuddled up with each other.

"She was crying," Cameron said, glancing down to make sure his voice level wasn't loud enough to wake Ada.

"Crying?... When? Why?" Libby asked, growing concerned.

"Last night," Cameron answered, lowering his voice a bit more when he felt her move in her sleep.

"Why?" Libby asked again.

"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me."

Libby furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "Well... I guess we'll see when she wakes up," she said, not really thinking of a solution that could be executed in the moment, seeing that Ada was still asleep. "But, I came in here to see what time you have that interview."

"At 11, I'm about to get up," Cameron replied. Libby smiled and nodded, taking in the adorable scene one more time before backing out of the door, closing it behind her.

Cameron looked at the time on his phone, realizing that he had about 10 minutes before he had to get up and get ready. He looked down at Ada when she began to move, her arm sliding off of his neck and her hand resting on his chest.

"Ada?" Cameron whispered softly, trying to see if she had woken up. Ada's eyes slowly opened before she quickly closed them, trying to get used to the sunlight in the room. When she opened them again, she blinked a little in confusion when she realized she was in Cameron's arms. She looked up at him, her tired eyes squinted.

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