12: my boo!

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"Taj, you are choking me man," Cameron said as he tried to reach behind him and push Taj away from him as he ran.

"Then slow down nigga!" Taj screamed as he gripped harder onto Cameron's shirt.

"FUCK!" they both screamed when a man jumped out in front of them, holding a knife wearing a clown mask. Cameron ran to the side, hitting a wall as Taj ran past him and the clown. He ran past it too, laughing as he heard Ray curse at the clown from behind him.

It was Halloween night, and Cameron was enjoying a haunted maze with his friends. Their plans had change about twenty times before they decided what they wanted to do for Halloween. They wanted to go somewhere where they could get scared, not wanting to throw/attend another costume party like they had for the past three years. After two days of going back and forth with ideas of what to do for Halloween, they decided to go to Knott's Berry Farm to celebrate the holiday, and it was safe to say that they made the right choice - they were terrified.

"Taj, dawg wait for me!" Cameron yelled as he watched Taj run ahead of him, turning around a corner.

"You better get some pep in yo' step nigga, come on!"

"Camer- Cam! Bro!" Ray squealed as he grasped onto the back of Cameron's jean jacket as they both jumped when another monster jumped from out of a door. They started running, Cameron almost tripping.

"Where the fuck is Taj?!" Cameron asked as they stopped at the end of the walkway at an intersection.

"Fuck, I don't know which way he went," Ray huffed as they looked left to right. They heard a growl and a person scream from behind them, causing Cameron to quickly run to the left, Ray following suit.

"Sorry! 'Scuse me!" Cameron apologized as he accidently bumped into another group of people as they were heading the opposite way.

"There his stupid ass go," Cameron huffed as he began to laugh, watching Taj as he jumped as another scary creature screamed in his face.

"I think I see an exit! I think I see it!" Ray yelled when they were about to pass another walkway, seeing a light at the end.

"You are literally breathing on my neck," Cameron laughed as Ray talked, feeling him really close behind him.

The boys continued to jog down the walkway, and as they got closer Cameron squinted his eyes, slowing down a bit. He could see that the light was just a facade, and that it led to another room.

"...That is not an exit- FUCK!" he screamed when a person popped into the frame of the archway. The person let out a a mix of a laugh and a scream, revving up the chainsaw he was holding, causing the three boys to scream with him in fear. Cameron quickly turned around, bumping into Ray. He pushed him forward as they ran the other way. Taj was ahead of them, and turned to the left, causing them to follow him.

"Here! Here!" Taj yelled as he ran towards a door, seeing the night sky.

The boys ran out of it, laughing as they entered back into the real world. They heaved and laughed as they caught their breath.

"That was not a fucking exit nigga!" Taj yelled at Ray, playfully pushing him.

"It looked like there was light!"

"Bro, that white ass light. We were trying to get outside, not to the pearly gates!"

"Well then why the hell did y'all follow me?"

"Because! I won't bout to be by myself!" Taj yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

"I hit that lady on accident y'all," Cameron said, bending over and laughing.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now