37: new normal (1/2).

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Cameron opened his eyes, waking up to Ada wrapping her arms around his neck tighter. He let out a breath through his nose as he closed his eyes again, tightening his embrace around her waist. He cuddled her for a moment before he opened his eyes again, looking down at her and trying to figure out if she was awake or not.

"Baby," he said quietly, his voice deep and a bit raspy. But she didn't answer, so he knew she was still asleep.

They had been in bed for exactly 17 hours. After their little love session, they stayed in bed cuddling and kissing, taking naps in intervals throughout the day. They didn't even leave the bed to eat, their stomach were satisfied just from being with each other, basically living off of love for the day. Now it was 8 AM the next morning, and both of them were nude under the covers and still wrapped up in each other.

Cameron looked at the door when there was a soft knock as it began to open. He quickly pulled the covers up a bit more so that it went up to Ada's neck to cover her breasts just as Karan peeked his head in.

"Cam?" Karan quietly called his name, his voice also sounding tired and his bed hair tossed a bit. "We were supposed to go at 8," he chuckled a bit.

"Uh," Cameron giggled, remembering that he and Karan were supposed to get up early and start the day off at the gym. Clearly, both of them forgot. "I obviously overslept."

"Same, uh... let's shoot for 9?" Karan giggled as he rubbed his eye tiredly.

"Yeah, let's go get this bread," Cameron exaggeratedly wheezed.

"Hashtag Get Fit 2019," Karan playfully groaned as he left, closing the door behind him.

"Fuck," Cameron groaned, not feeling like going. "Okay, I gotta get up," he declared firmly to himself. He took his arms from around Ada before gently peeling her arms from around his neck, leaving a small kiss on her forearm as he laid them down. He was careful, trying not to wake her. When he successfully detached her from him, he sat up before looking at the side of the bed, seeing his boxers and shorts on the floor where he threw them off spontaneously sometime in the early morning. They never went for a second round, he just simply wanted to match her nakedness as they laid with each other.

But, damn was he craving for one.

He threw on some gray Nike shorts before scouring around for one of his compression shirts, but didn't see any of them. Realizing that they were probably still in the dryer, he decided to just grab it on his way out of the door. He put on one of his hats to cover his messy curls before going to the bathroom.

In the middle of him brushing his teeth, he finally looked at himself in the mirror, and the sight made him pause for a split second. Ada's scratches were now light pink lines all over his body, which contrasted from the slightly scarred lines they were when he first saw them yesterday. He chuckled a bit, examining them as he brushed. They were mostly on his chest, but when he contorted his body to see his back, he realized that she had went to town. He looked at his forearm, holding it out in front of him as he examined the scratches she had left there as well. He didn't mind though. They felt good to him.

Cameron peeked into his room once more, seeing that Ada was still asleep. He badly wanted to go in there and sneak a kiss goodbye, but he knew if his lips tasted her skin again he would never want to leave the house. So, he carefully closed the door behind him before heading down the stairs, pulling out his phone and sending her a text to let her know where he was when she woke up.

But, he stupidly forgot that he didn't have a shirt on, so when Sophie abruptly stopped stirring her morning tea and Karan looked at him with wide eyes, he was left confused.

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