13: anything for you.

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"What about in NoHo?" Karan asked as he scrolled on his laptop.

"I...I actually like North Hollywood, yeah check there," Cameron nodded after thinking a bit.

"Isn't that like...twenty minutes from you, right Cam?" Sophie asked, not really familiar with the proximities of cities in California.

"Yeah, about 15 to 20. I know they just built some really modern looking townhomes. Uh, I think it's called... Cottage-"

"Cottage Green?" Karan asked as he clicked on his touchpad.

"Yeah, Cottage Green Townhomes."

The trio was sitting on Sophie's back patio, searching the web for townhomes and apartments. They had been planning to move in together for quite some time, and now they were putting their plan into motion. 

Cameron readjusted his hat on his head before leaning in close to Karan, looking at the screen. He raised his eyebrows as he looked at the impressive pictures that were on the website.

"That's a nice layout," he commented. Sophie came and sat on the other side of Karan, taking a sip of her tea as she looked as well.

"That kitchen is so pretty. How many bedrooms?" Sophie asked.

"Uh...this is a two bedroom. But, I think they have three bedroom ones, too," Karan replied as he pressed to go back a page, trying to find the correct information.

"Oh, right there," Cameron said, pointing to the correct link. The three friends looked at the pictures of their potential new home, nodding in approval as Karan flipped through the interior pictures.

"Okay so, it's between these ones and that apartment in Pasadena," Sophie confirmed.

"Uh, I kind of like this one...a little better. It's more space it looks like. The other one only had like one bathroom and it had that tiny ass kitchen," Cameron said, thinking about their other option.

"Yeah. Well, we can always go and look at them in person and then we can decide. But I think it's definitely down to those two," Karan said, checking his phone as he felt it vibrate in his pocket.

"We don't want to move in anywhere 'til like the spring right? So, we have time," Sophie said as the other two nodded in agreement. "Yeah, definitely in the spring since Cam is gonna be gone until like March."

"March? When are you leaving again?" Karan asked.

"Uh, like... the beginning of January. So I probably won't be back until near the end of March," Cameron tried to guess. 

A few days ago he got the news that he had booked an HBO show called Mrs. Fletcher, and he was over the moon. He had grown worried about being in a standstill after wrapping up the Descendants franchise, and after going to audition after audition and making self tapes out the wazoo, he couldn't be any more relieved to finally have booked something.

"I can't believe you're going to be in an HBO show. Isn't it about like...porn?" Karan asked, laughing a bit.

"That's basically how they described it," Cameron laughed as he stood up from the bench, stretching. "I still haven't gotten the full script, but when I auditioned I literally said the word 'cum' like three times, so it's safe to say that sex will be in the forefront."

"Well, when you get back, we'll be moving in together!" Sophie said, feeling excited getting up as well.

"Wow, adulting," Karan said snickering. "Let's hope we don't set the house on fire...Soph," he said, looking at Sophie.

"It was an accident!"

"You don't put aluminum foil in the fucking microwave," Cameron said, shaking his head as they walked through the sliding glass door back into the house.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now