30: happy together.

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"Cam, wait!" Karan yelled before squealing when his end of the couch slipped from his grasp. Cameron sputtered in helplessness as he also lost his grip, causing their brand new couch to slam down making the vast space of the U-Haul echo, causing Victor and Sophie to hurriedly go around to see what had happened.

"Who put you two in charge of that?" Victor asked, shaking his head as he climbed onto the truck to help them.

"Soph why did you choose this dense ass couch?" Cameron groaned as he rubbed his fingers that had gotten stretched a bit. His muscles were a bit sore, seeing as he had already helped move in his dresser and his bed set.

Sophie frowned as she watched them begin to attempt to move the couch again. "It's a cute couch!"

"Yeah and it's fat as hell," Cameron grunted as he helped lift the couch.

"Yeah, that's why I waited for you to move in before I bought it so then I wouldn't have to move it. I am smart," Sophie smartly said as she sashayed away. Karan and Cameron looked at each other with their eyebrows raised while Victor let out a loud laugh.

"Asshole!" Karan yelled after her, hearing her laugh as she walked into the townhouse.

Maya giggled as she looked out of the window of Cameron and Ada's new bedroom, watching as the men carried the couch into the townhouse before they all groaned when it hit them that they would have to climb the stairs. "I don't know how they're going to get that big ass couch up here."

"They're going to have to tilt it or something, that's what we had to do with the mattress," Libby giggled as she began to unbox the headboard and base to the bed, wanting to get a head start on putting it together. "Once they get the couch up here we can go back down and finish helping them get rest of the stuff."

The townhouse was three stories. The first floor was simply an entrance and housed a laundry closet as well as the stairs to get to the second level, which held the living room and the kitchen and a half bathroom.

The third level was the three bedrooms along with three full bathrooms, so everyone got their own. Sophie ended up getting the "master bedroom", but weirdly it was pretty small in comparison to the other two rooms. But, she was the only one whose bathroom was connected to her room, so she was very content.

Since Sophie and Karan had already moved in almost two weeks prior, their bedrooms and the kitchen were already furnished and decorated. There was also a balcony, which Ada thought was so beautiful. Sophie had decorated it with fake vines and flowers and pretty patio furniture.

Ada stood in the walk-in closet that she and Cameron were going to share. She stared in awe of how much space there was. She was fascinated by the built-in dresser that was on the wall, which Cameron said she could have to herself since they also bought a seperate dresser to put in the actual room.

Maya jumped a bit as Ada came out of the closet, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I didn't even know you were in there," she giggled. Ada gave her a humorous smile as she also looked out of the window to join in the watch of the men.

"Have they even gotten into the house yet?" Libby chuckled just as Sophie came into the room.

"Almost," Sophie chuckled. "They're on the bottom stairs right now."

"Fuck, my finger!" Cameron yelled as they all paused on the stairs before laughing as they panted. They had gotten through the front door of the townhouse, but now they had to get up the flight of stairs that led to the main part.

"Okay, 1,2...3!" Victor chanted as the boys squatted before hoisting the couch a bit higher and getting a firmer grasp on it. They slowly began to climb the stairs, only for Cameron to smack his teeth when he looked up and saw Maya recording them from the top of the half wall, giggling.

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