14: take me back.

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Libby smiled excitedly as she climbed her porch steps and quickly jabbed her keys into the front door keyhole. Once she entered her house, she quickly walked to the kitchen island, sitting down her work bag. She looked down at her other hand, which held an orange shoebox before carefully sitting it down on the island as well.

"Ada?" she called out as she began to make her way to the living room. When she peeked in, she saw Cameron laying across the couch on his phone. He looked over at her, his eyebrows arched.

"Hey ma," he said, greeting his mother after not seeing her all day.

"Hey, you got your hair cut?" she asked, taking in her son's hair that was neatly shaved down on the sides.

"Yeah, I just got back from Duece's," Cameron replied, referencing his barber.

"Looks good. Do you know where Ada is? I have something important for her."

"I think she's in Maya's room... I think," Cameron said as he began to get off of the couch to head into the kitchen. Libby walked to Maya's room, and could immediately hear soft giggling. She smiled as she did a quick knock as she opened her daughter's door and stood in the frame. The two girls were laying on the floor, looking up at Maya's T.V. that was mounted on her wall as they watched an episode of BoJack Horseman.

"Hi mommy," Maya said with a cracker in her mouth. Ada smiled up at her as a greeting.

"Hey Baboosh! Um, Ada, I have a surprise for you in the kitchen," Libby said as she smiled excitedly. Ada raised her eyebrows before a small expression of confusion rose to her face. She slowly got off of the floor, unwrapping the blanket she had around her as she followed behind Libby to the kitchen.

She hadn't even made it into all the way into the kitchen before it caught her eye.  

Her shoebox.

The sight made her heart skip. She almost couldn't believe it. She hurriedly ran to the kitchen island, staring down at it. It was indeed her shoebox, the Hello Kitty stickers along with the Stussy S symbols drawn all over the lid gave it away. 

Cameron stopped drinking from his glass of orange juice as he watched Ada look down at the box. He looked to his mother, a bit jarred by Ada's sudden burst when she walked into the kitchen.

"Is that the right box, Ada?" Libby asked as she stood behind her. Ada turned her head, glancing at her as she smiled and nodded. Ada slowly opened the lid, sitting it to the side. She quickly reached her hand in, digging to the bottom of the box and pulling all of the papers and pictures out all at once. Cameron came and stood beside her while Maya and Libby walked to the other side of the island, curious to see the special contents of the old, beat up shoebox. The items ended up sprawling over the island.

"Aw! Is this you?" Maya asked as she pointed to one of the pictures, beaming. Ada nodded, chuckling as she looked at the photo.

Cameron looked over to where his sister was pointing, and began to smile. It was a picture of Ada from when she was around three years old. She had on a pair of Blue's Clues pajamas, holding a doll by its hair as it hung by her legs. She was pointing at something behind the camera, her lips in a pout. The three of them watched as Ada began to look through the items before slowly joining in, intrigued by what they were seeing.

"Oh my goodness you were sooo cute!" Libby said as she looked down at another picture. It was Ada in a high chair with some type of sauce all over face. "And chubby! Look at those cheeks!"

Cameron noticed a paper that was about to fall off of the edge of the island, so he grabbed it to set it back further on the counter, but he paused as he glanced at what was on it. 

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now