28: back for mine.

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Babygirl, I'm coming home
You all mine today


Cameron watched out of the window as the familiar buildings and houses of Sherman Oaks started to come into his view. He smiled, taking in the calming view of the morning sunlight shining down, the slight breeze coming through the cracked window. He was finally back in L.A.

"Feels good to be home, huh?" Victor asked as he looked over at his son as he drove. Cameron glanced over at him and nodded, a smile dancing onto his face as he bobbed his head to the Lauryn Hill's "Tell Him" playing through his father's speakers.

"Missed you," Victor said as he reached over, messing up Cameron's curls before patting his shoulder.

"Missed you too," Cameron smiled, laughing. He sighed in happiness as they turned on his street, taking in the familiar view of his neighbors' houses.

They pulled into the driveway, and Cameron furrowed his eyebrows, not seeing anyone's cars. He smacked his teeth at himself for forgetting that it was a Monday, and that his mom and sister were already at work and school. He was a bit disappointed that he would have to wait until later to surprise them, but either way he was in bliss seeing his childhood home. And his heart was beating rapidly knowing that he would be physically seeing Ada in just a few short moments.

"Your car is in the garage. I had London do a detail on it, she's shining," Victor beamed as he put his car in park.

"Thank God," Cameron giggled as he got out the car. He went to the backseat, getting his carry-on. "I thought I was going to come back to rust."

"Never that, never that. I got your suitcase. We can get the rest in a second," Victor offered as he popped the trunk. Cameron nodded as he watched his father get his suitcase before they both began to walk to the front door.

"Did... when did we get that?" Cameron asked with his eyebrows furrowed as he nodded his head toward the new vertical window that was beside the front door, giving a small glance into the kitchen.

"We had it installed last week. Told you we've been upgrading. Even though your mom is replacing unnecessary doorknobs now," Victor chuckled.

"Of course she is," Cameron giggled when he noticed the doorknob to their front door was different. He smiled when he walked in, taking in the familiar scent of his home. The morning sun was shining through the glass wall they had, illuminating the living room and kitchen. It was going to be a good day for Cameron, and he knew it would get better the second he had his arms around Ada.

"Ada should be in your room doing school," Victor said lowly, knowing Cameron wanted to surprise her. Cameron nodded, suddenly feeling anxious and butterflies in the pit of his stomach as he began to walk to his room. Victor followed behind him, pulling out his phone to record.

Cameron softly knocked on the door before putting his ear to it. He began to smile and the butterflies got worse when he heard her get off of the bed, her soft footsteps coming toward the door. He took a step back as it opened.

Ada's eyes widened as she opened the door. She was expecting Victor to be on the other side, knowing Maya and Libby were gone.

But she was extremely surprised to see Cameron standing there.

Immediately, she fell into his arms as he squeezed her against his chest as he began to excitedly sway them from side to side.

"What's up baby?!" Cameron laughed as he hugged her tightly before pulling away from her, cupping her face into his hands as she looked up at him in awe. She couldn't even say anything, feeling overwhelmed by being in his arms again. He chuckled as she put her face back into his chest, causing them to hug again. "What's up? I missed you!"

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now