22: sharing is uncaring in love.

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And you starin' at my comments
Fearin' it's gone always be you sharin' me with all them
How dare I say ignore them?
Preparing for that day, I leave you here
and switch you for them


Week 2

Ada picked up her phone, bored out of her mind. She had been doing homework for the past two hours, and she was absolutely sick of it. She looked at her homescreen before deciding to go to Instagram, which she never used. She had maybe used the app twice since Lauryn created her profile. She would always get notifications, saying that people were going "live" or that a person had just posted a picture, but she never opened them. Ada looked at her timeline and the first picture she saw was from Maya as she posed with her friends. She pressed the heart button, giving her a like before she scrolled a little.

She perked up a bit when she saw a picture of Cameron pop up. It was a picture from one of his recent photoshoots. He was sporting a turtleneck, his hands clasped as he stared into the camera. She gave the picture a like, staring at it as a smile formed on her face. Lauryn's name caught her eye in the comments, and she was a bit confused when she accidently pressed it, taking her to the comment section.

laurynspeights: ooo I like this one ❤️
thevictorboyce: 👌🏾
karanbrar: change the caption to "hot spicy man"
~thecameronboyce: my spice has been ripped from me from this cold 🤣
camsfave: so hotttt 😍😍😍😍
tajspeights: lookin like uhh caramel macchiatto bwoy
~thecameronboyce: i'd rather be a mocha mint java chip
kelseycheavesmua: 😍
alana767: ugh my husband
thomasdoherty: nice one 👏🏻
chanelpradagucci_: baby daddyyyy 😻

Ada swiped back, going back to the picture. She glanced at it again before pressing Cameron's username. All of his posts popped up, and she found herself scrolling through some of his most recent posts. About five posts down, a video automatically began to play, with Cameron laughing and smiling in a chair, his name in bold letters going across the screen. It was a 10-second excerpt from an interview of his.

thecameronboyce: thank you @instonemag for having me! full interview on their page 😉

Ada pressed the username, going to the page, curious to watch the rest. She laid down on her stomach as she waited for the IGTV video to load. She watched as Cameron sat in a chair next to a woman, answering her questions about his work and his life. It felt different for her to see him in that light.

She never really saw the "celebrity" side of Cameron, with the interviews and photoshoots and the movies and the TV shows and the fan pandemonium. Every time he showed her new photos from photoshoots or she saw a video of him acting, it was like seeing a different element of him. Even seeing his Instagram page filled with celebrity and fan comments and the millions of likes on his pictures that he modeled for were jarring for her. To Ada, Cameron was just... Cameron. He was her boyfriend who made her laugh and held her hand and played basketball and listened to music. So, it created an unfamiliar feeling for her when he was in "Cameron Boyce: The Actor" mode.

{"And how was your hiatus? We saw on your Instagram you took a small break."

"Yeah, yeah I did! It was refreshing, honestly. I've spent about five years constantly on the go, traveling from place to place. I felt like it was getting to be too much, I wasn't taking care of myself because I was too busy being on the go, you know?"

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