32: she needs me.

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"Happa birfday to you, happa birfday to you. Happa birfday dear daddy, happa birfday to you!"

Darius smiled as Ada sat in his lap, singing "Happy Birthday" to him for the 10th time that day. But, he was always happy to hear her little four-year-old voice sing to him, her little eyes shining as she happily looked up at him. He had just come home from work, still in his McDonald's uniform as Ada sat on his lap. Anari was leaning on his knee as she watched TV while eating an ice cream sandwich, licking her little hands clean as it dripped everywhere.

"Dada, happa birfday!" Ada said as she looked lovingly at her father as he chuckled, giving her cheek a pinch.


Cameron bit his lip as he hit a one-handed freeze, causing his crew to erupt into yelps and cheers as he landed back onto his feet, continuing to break. Taj jumped in excitement as Cameron moved all around the dance mat, Tyler recording on his camera.

"Come on Truth!" Ray yelled as he nodded his head to the music, crouched down a bit because he was going to take Cameron's place as soon as he finished.

Cameron finished up with a shoulder spin, standing back on his feet before he pointed to Ray who immediately hit a tuck and roll before he began to break on the mat. Cameron nodded and smiled as he caught his breath, pulling his pants up a bit and fixing his shirt as he and Lauryn looked at each other, impressed.

Tyler walked to his tripod, which was in between Ada and Isis as they sat in the middle of the street, watching XMOB do their thing at the end of the cul-de-sac. He propped the camera onto it so that he could capture his own moves.

"Let's go!" Taj yelled as Ray windmilled to end off his take, letting Taj jump in. Immediately Taj began to break in a fast pace before he began to spin on his head, causing Cameron and Tyler to bump shoulders with each other in excitement as they cheered Taj on.

"He keep playin', he gonna snap his neck," Isis joked as Taj continued to rotate on his head before Lauryn got on the mat, causing Ada to let out a chuckle.

Ada continued to watch as the crew took turns, her knees pulled up to her chest as she slightly rocked back and forth, listening to the music playing loudly from Taj's speakers. She slightly leaned to the side as Tyler walked past her after he finished putting the camera up, walking back to the mat. She smiled a bit as Lauryn finished up, Cameron jumping in for another turn. She watched as he danced, his face in concentration as he slightly smiled, his feet moving below him as his friends cheered him on.

She felt tears pile up in her eyes, so she quickly looked at the ground as she secretly wiped them and gave a quick sniff before she looked back up, giving a small smile as Isis let out a hyped yell when Tyler began to dance.

They were over Tyler's house, breaking and having the time of their lives. Tyler's younger brother was having his 6th birthday party, and many children were inside of the house celebrating with him. So while the children's party was going on inside, Cameron and the rest of XMOB were all outside breaking. XMOB decided to have a breaking session since everyone was in L.A. at the same time, which wasn't something that happened often at that point since everyone had new jobs and different things happening in their lives as they all got older. This was also the first time Cameron was seeing his friends since he got back home from New York.

"Damn!" Taj yelled as Tyler ended with a freeze while on his head. Everyone giggled and cheered, ending their session for the day. They had been breaking for about 40 minutes at that point. Tyler ran to his camera to stop the recording as they all dapped each other up, satisfied with their session.

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