31: scared.

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Ada squinted her eyes when a piece of her hair blew into them. She pushed her hair out of her face as she let her window up a bit, the wind starting to damn near suffocate her as Cameron sped up as he drove on the interstate. She watched from the backseat as Cameron and Karan talked. She wasn't sure how they could hear each other, considering Cameron had the music blasting.

It was a nice sunny day outside, and everyone was headed to the beach. It was around 80 degrees, and Cameron and his friends jumped at the chance of being able to comfortably lay and chill at the beach. Sophie was also coming along, but she had rode with two other friends and they were following behind Cameron's car.

"Hold up," Cameron began as he turned the music down. "Did I take the right exit?" he chuckled as he looked up at the road signs.

"Yeah... yeah you did," Karan hesitated before laughing.

"Okay, because I was about to say, this does not look like the beach," Cameron laughed as he looked at the shopping area they were passing before realizing that the entrance to the beach was further down.

"You know Lily brought the baby, right?" Karan asked, smirking a bit when he looked in his side view mirror and could see Sophie in the front seat of the car behind them holding a baby.

"Did she really?" Cameron laughed. "I'm not gonna lie, I truly forgot she has a kid now."

"I feel like it should be in a carseat or something-... please look at Soph, she's so annoying," Karan laughed as Cameron looked into his rearview mirror, seeing Sophie bouncing the baby on her lap while happily smiling as Lily drove.

Cameron found a space to park, ensuring there was a spot open for Lily to park beside them. They got out, Cameron opening the door for Ada as she fixed her hair out of her face after it had been blown around by the wind for thirty minutes straight. Her hair had surprisingly been growing pretty fast, but now it was growing out instead of down this time around. It was getting thicker, and big. Cameron kept having to move her hair out of his way when they went to sleep.

"Hi!" Lily waved as she got out of the car, causing Cameron and Karan to go and greet her. Another girl got out from the backseat, joining in on the greetings.

"...this is my girlfriend, Ada. Ada this is Lily, and that's Paige," Cameron introduced her, pointing across the top of Lily's car toward Ada. The two girls excitedly waved at her as Ada gave a small smile.

Once they got their things out of the car, they all started to head down to the sand. They stopped, taking off their shoes before descending the hill. Cameron gave Ada a smile as he held her hand, liking how the sun was hitting her skin at the moment.

"You think it's warm enough to get in the water?" Sophie asked as they were laying their towels down.

"Uh... I think it should be cool. I'm not getting in, but I think it should be fine," Karan said as he began to take his shirt off.

Ada watched as everyone began to strip down to their bathing suits. She felt her heart race a bit, watching as the other girls took off their clothes with not a care in the world. Their perfect petite shapes shown off in their bikinis.

Ada hesitated before taking her leggings off, leaving her in Cameron's hoodie that stopped at the middle of her thighs.

Cameron put his shirt into his backpack before looking at Ada, taking her leggings from her. "Here, I'm gonna put your clothes in my bag. You want that in there too?" he asked, gesturing her hoodie. Ada slowly shook her head so he zipped up his bag, sitting it to the side.

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